Propositions with this tag ¶
Code | Date | Adopted | Title |
51K1221 | 28/04/2004 | â | Projet de loi spĂ©ciale modifiant l'article 6, § 1er, VIII, de la loi spĂ©ciale du 8 aoĂ»t 1980 de rĂ©formes institutionnelles. |
51K1871 | 01/01/2005 | â | Projet de loi portant assentiment aux Actes internationaux suivants : 1° Accord international sur l'Escaut; 2° Accord international sur la Meuse, faits Ă Gand le 3 dĂ©cembre 2002. |
51K2251 | 21/10/2005 | â | Projet de loi spĂ©ciale adaptant diverses dispositions Ă la nouvelle dĂ©nomination du Parlement wallon, du Parlement de la CommunautĂ© française, du Parlement de la RĂ©gion de Bruxelles-Capitale, du Parlement flamand et du Parlement de la CommunautĂ© germanophone. |
51K2252 | 08/11/2005 | â | Projet de loi adaptant diverses lois rĂ©glant une matiĂšre visĂ©e Ă l'article 77 de la Constitution Ă la nouvelle dĂ©nomination des assemblĂ©es lĂ©gislatives des CommunautĂ©s et des RĂ©gions. |
51K2253 | 08/11/2005 | â | Projet de loi adaptant diverses lois rĂ©glant une matiĂšre visĂ©e Ă l'article 78 de la Constitution Ă la nouvelle dĂ©nomination des assemblĂ©es lĂ©gislatives des CommunautĂ©s et des RĂ©gions. |
51K2265 | 08/02/2006 | â | Projet de loi spĂ©ciale attribuant une allocation spĂ©ciale unique en faveur de la CommunautĂ© française, la CommunautĂ© flamande, la RĂ©gion wallonne et la RĂ©gion de Bruxelles-Capitale. |
51K2266 | 08/02/2006 | â | Projet de loi attribuant une allocation spĂ©ciale unique en faveur de la CommunautĂ© Germanophone. |
51K2267 | 08/02/2006 | â | Projet de loi modifiant la loi-programme du 27 dĂ©cembre 2005. |
51K2820 | 04/12/2006 | â | Projet de loi spĂ©ciale portant octroi d'une allocation spĂ©ciale unique au profit de la CommunautĂ© française, de la RĂ©gion wallonne, de la CommunautĂ© flamande, de la RĂ©gion flamande, de la RĂ©gion de Bruxelles-Capitale et de la Commission communautaire commune. |
51K2821 | 04/12/2006 | â | Projet de loi portant octroi d'une allocation spĂ©ciale unique au profit de la CommunautĂ© germanophone. |
52K1583 | 14/11/2008 | â | Projet de loi fixant le prix de revient total du service des impĂŽts rĂ©gionaux, en exĂ©cution de l'article 68ter de la loi spĂ©ciale du 16 janvier 1989 relative au financement des communautĂ©s et des rĂ©gions. |
53K1391 | 15/04/2011 | â | Proposition de loi relative Ă l'apposition de signes distinctifs rĂ©gionaux sur la zone bleue des plaques d'immatriculation des vĂ©hicules automobiles. |
53K2968 | 24/07/2013 | â | Projet de loi spĂ©ciale portant modification de la loi spĂ©ciale du 6 janvier 1989 sur la Cour constitutionnelle et de la loi spĂ©ciale du 12 janvier 1989 relative aux Institutions bruxelloises, en vue de permettre l'organisation de consultations populaires rĂ©gionales. |
53K2973 | 24/07/2013 | â | Projet de loi modifiant la loi du 19 mai 1994 relative Ă la limitation et au contrĂŽle des dĂ©penses Ă©lectorales engagĂ©es pour l'Ă©lection du Parlement europĂ©en et modifiant la loi du 19 mai 1994 rĂ©glementant la campagne Ă©lectorale, concernant la limitation et la dĂ©claration des dĂ©penses Ă©lectorales engagĂ©es pour les Ă©lections du Parlement wallon, du Parlement flamand, du Parlement de la RĂ©gion de Bruxelles-Capitale et du Parlement de la CommunautĂ© germanophone, et fixant le critĂšre de contrĂŽle des communications officielles des autoritĂ©s publiques. |
53K2974 | 24/07/2013 | â | Projet de loi spĂ©ciale portant rĂ©forme du financement des communautĂ©s et des rĂ©gions, Ă©largissement de l'autonomie fiscale des rĂ©gions et financement des nouvelles compĂ©tences. |
53K3196 | 19/07/2012 | â | RĂ©vision de la Constitution Projet de rĂ©vision de l'article 118, § 2, de la Constitution. |
53K3197 | 19/07/2012 | â | RĂ©vision de la Constitution Projet de rĂ©vision de l'article 123, § 2, de la Constitution. |
53K3200 | 24/10/2012 | â | Projet de loi spĂ©ciale modifiant la loi spĂ©ciale du 8 aoĂ»t 1980 de rĂ©formes institutionnelles, la loi spĂ©ciale du 6 janvier 1989 sur la Cour constitutionnelle et la loi spĂ©ciale du 12 janvier 1989 relative aux Institutions bruxelloises. |
53K3201 | 25/07/2013 | â | Projet de loi spĂ©ciale relatif Ă la SixiĂšme RĂ©forme de l'Etat. |
53K3202 | 25/07/2013 | â | Projet de loi relatif Ă la SixiĂšme RĂ©forme de l'Etat concernant les matiĂšres visĂ©es Ă l'article 77 de la Constitution. |
53K3203 | 25/07/2013 | â | Projet de loi relatif Ă la SixiĂšme RĂ©forme de l'Etat concernant les matiĂšres visĂ©es Ă l'article 78 de la Constitution. |
53K3205 | 25/07/2013 | â | RĂ©vision de la Constitution Projet de rĂ©vision de l'article 11bis de la Constitution. |
53K3206 | 25/07/2013 | â | RĂ©vision de la Constitution Projet de rĂ©vision de l'article 41 de la Constitution. |
53K3207 | 25/07/2013 | â | RĂ©vision de la Constitution Projet de rĂ©vision de l'article 162 de la Constitution. |
53K3208 | 25/07/2013 | â | RĂ©vision de la Constitution Projet de rĂ©vision de l'article 170, § 3, de la Constitution. |
53K3209 | 25/07/2013 | â | RĂ©vision de la Constitution Projet de rĂ©vision de l'article 23 de la Constitution en vue de garantir le droit aux allocations familiales. |
53K3210 | 25/07/2013 | â | RĂ©vision de la Constitution Projet d'insertion d'un article 135bis dans la Constitution. |
53K3211 | 25/07/2013 | â | RĂ©vision de la Constitution Projet de rĂ©vision de l'article 144 de la Constitution. |
53K3212 | 25/07/2013 | â | RĂ©vision de la Constitution Projet de rĂ©vision de l'article 151, § 1er, de la Constitution. |
53K3213 | 25/07/2013 | â | RĂ©vision de la Constitution Projet de rĂ©vision de l'article 180 de la Constitution. |
53K3225 | 04/12/2013 | â | Projet de loi portant dispositions diverses en matiĂšre Ă©lectorale. |
53K3339 | 06/02/2014 | â | Projet de loi portant modification des lois coordonnĂ©es du 19 dĂ©cembre 1939 relatives aux allocations familiales pour travailleurs salariĂ©s. |
53K3340 | 06/02/2014 | â | Projet de loi portant modification de la loi du 25 avril 1963 sur la gestion des organismes d'intĂ©rĂȘt public de sĂ©curitĂ© sociale et de prĂ©voyance sociale. |
53K3347 | 27/12/2013 | â | Projet de loi portant assentiment Ă l'Accord de coopĂ©ration du 13 dĂ©cembre 2013 entre l'Etat fĂ©dĂ©ral, les communautĂ©s, les rĂ©gions et les commissions communautaires relatif Ă la mise en oeuvre de l'article 3, § 1er, du TraitĂ© sur la stabilitĂ©, la coordination et la gouvernance au sein de l'Union Ă©conomique et monĂ©taire. |
53K3354 | 12/02/2014 | â | Projet de loi visant Ă adapter les rĂ©ductions des cotisations patronales pour la sĂ©curitĂ© sociale Ă la suite de la sixiĂšme rĂ©forme de l'Etat. |
53K3434 | 10/03/2014 | â | Projet de loi concernant diverses matiĂšres relatives aux pensions du secteur public. |
53K3523 | 18/03/2014 | â | Projet de loi portant assentiment Ă l'accord de coopĂ©ration entre l'Etat fĂ©dĂ©ral, la CommunautĂ© flamande, la CommunautĂ© française et la CommunautĂ© germanophone relatif Ă l'exercice des missions des Maisons de justice. |
53K3524 | 18/03/2014 | â | Projet de loi portant assentiment Ă l'accord de coopĂ©ration entre l'Etat fĂ©dĂ©ral, les communautĂ©s et les rĂ©gions Ă la politique criminelle et Ă la politique de sĂ©curitĂ©. |
54K1491 | 02/12/2015 | â | Projet de loi modifiant, en ce qui concerne l'Institut des Comptes nationaux, la loi du 21 dĂ©cembre 1994 portant des dispositions sociales et diverses. |
54K1492 | 02/12/2015 | â | Projet de loi modifiant la loi du 4 juillet 1962 relative Ă la statistique publique. |
54K3275 | 18/09/2018 | â | Projet de loi modifiant la loi coordonnĂ©e du 10 juillet 2008 sur les hĂŽpitaux et autres Ă©tablissements de soins, en ce qui concerne le rĂ©seautage clinique entre hĂŽpitaux. |
54K3478 | 21/01/2019 | â | Projet de loi portant assentiment Ă l'Accord de coopĂ©ration du 25 juin 2018 entre l'Ătat fĂ©dĂ©ral, la CommunautĂ© française et la CommunautĂ© flamande relatif Ă la protection culturelle du livre. |
54K3679 | 01/04/2019 | â | Projet de loi portant assentiment Ă l'Accord de coopĂ©ration du 21 dĂ©cembre 2018 entre l'Ătat fĂ©dĂ©ral, la CommunautĂ© flamande, la RĂ©gion wallonne, la Commission communautaire commune et la CommunautĂ© germanophone concernant l'implication de l'Ătat fĂ©dĂ©ral dans la signature des Accords de coopĂ©ration du 6 septembre 2017 et du 30 mai 2018. |
54K3702 | 28/03/2019 | â | Projet de loi concernent l'assentiment Ă l'accord de coopĂ©ration du 31 aoĂ»t 2018 entre l'Ătat fĂ©dĂ©ral, la CommunautĂ© flamande, la CommunautĂ© française et la CommunautĂ© germanophone relatif Ă la coordination des radiofrĂ©quences en matiĂšre de radiodiffusion dans la bande de frĂ©quences 87,5-108 MHz conformĂ©ment Ă l'article 17 de la loi du 13 juin 2005 relative aux communications Ă©lectroniques. |
55K0270 | 06/09/2019 | â | Projet de loi modifiant l'ancien Code civil en ce qui concerne l'interruption de la prescription. |
55K0621 | 16/10/2019 | â | Projet de loi portant assentiment Ă l'Accord de coopĂ©ration du 28 dĂ©cembre 2018 entre l'Ătat fĂ©dĂ©ral, la CommunautĂ© flamande, la RĂ©gion wallonne, la Commission communautaire commune et la CommunautĂ© germanophone portant sur la collaboration entre services d'inspection dans le cadre de la compĂ©tence en matiĂšre de prestations familiales. |
55K1466 | 27/07/2020 | â | Proposition de loi modifiant l'arrĂȘtĂ© royal du 18 avril 1974 dĂ©terminant les modalitĂ©s gĂ©nĂ©rales d'exĂ©cution de la loi du 4 janvier 1974 relative aux jours fĂ©riĂ©s, en ce qui concerne le remplacement du 21 juillet en tant que jour fĂ©riĂ© lĂ©gal par les jours fĂ©riĂ©s des communautĂ©s. |
55K1799 | 18/02/2021 | â | Projet de loi portant assentiment Ă l'accord de coopĂ©ration du 18 fĂ©vrier 2020 modifiant l'accord de coopĂ©ration du 12 dĂ©cembre 2005 entre l'Ătat fĂ©dĂ©ral, la CommunautĂ© flamande, la CommunautĂ© française, la CommunautĂ© germanophone et la Commission communautaire commune relatif Ă la mise en oeuvre de la loi du 24 avril 2003 rĂ©formant l'adoption. |
55K1827 | 10/03/2021 | â | Projet de loi portant assentiment Ă l'accord de coopĂ©ration entre l'Ătat fĂ©dĂ©ral, la CommunautĂ© flamande, la RĂ©gion flamande, la RĂ©gion wallonne, la RĂ©gion de Bruxelles-Capitale, la CommunautĂ© française et la CommunautĂ© germanophone concernant l'utilisation de SURE. |
55K1853 | 17/03/2021 | â | Projet de loi portant assentiment Ă l'accord de coopĂ©ration du 12 mars 2021 entre l'Ătat fĂ©dĂ©ral, la CommunautĂ© flamande, la CommunautĂ© française, la CommunautĂ© germanophone, la Commission communautaire commune, la RĂ©gion wallonne et la Commission communautaire française concernant le traitement de donnĂ©es relatives aux vaccinations contre la COVID-19. |
55K2005 | 26/05/2021 | â | Projet de loi modifiant la loi du 16 mai 2003 fixant les dispositions gĂ©nĂ©rales applicables aux budgets, au contrĂŽle des subventions et Ă la comptabilitĂ© des communautĂ©s et des rĂ©gions, ainsi qu'Ă l'organisation du contrĂŽle de la Cour des comptes. |
55K2026 | 01/06/2021 | â | Projet de loi portant assentiment Ă l'accord de coopĂ©ration du 31 mai 2021 entre l'Ătat fĂ©dĂ©ral, la CommunautĂ© flamande, la CommunautĂ© germanophone, la RĂ©gion wallonne et la Commission communautaire commune concernant des traitements particuliers des donnĂ©es Ă caractĂšre personnel en vue du traçage et de l'examen des clusters et collectivitĂ©s, en vue de l'application de la quarantaine et du test de dĂ©pistage obligatoire et en vue de la surveillance par les inspecteurs sociaux du respect des mesures pour limiter la propagation du coronavirus COVID-19 sur les lieux de travail. |
55K2129 | 15/07/2021 | â | Projet de loi portant assentiment Ă l'accord de coopĂ©ration entre l'Ătat fĂ©dĂ©ral, la CommunautĂ© flamande, la CommunautĂ© française, la CommunautĂ© germanophone, la Commission communautaire commune, la RĂ©gion wallonne et la Commission communautaire française concernant le traitement des donnĂ©es liĂ©es au certificat COVID numĂ©rique de l'UE et au Covid Safe Ticket, le PLF et le traitement des donnĂ©es Ă caractĂšre personnel des travailleurs salariĂ©s et des travailleurs indĂ©pendants vivant ou rĂ©sidant Ă l'Ă©tranger qui effectuent des activitĂ©s en Belgique. |
55K2212 | 27/09/2021 | â | Projet de loi portant assentiment Ă l'Accord de coopĂ©ration du 27 septembre 2021 visant Ă la modification de l'accord de coopĂ©ration du 14 juillet 2021 entre l'Ătat fĂ©dĂ©ral, la CommunautĂ© flamande, la CommunautĂ© française, la CommunautĂ© germanophone, la Commission communautaire commune, la RĂ©gion wallonne et la Commission communautaire française concernant le traitement des donnĂ©es liĂ©es au certificat COVID numĂ©rique de l'UE et au Covid Safe Ticket, le PLF et le traitement des donnĂ©es Ă caractĂšre personnel des travailleurs salariĂ©s et des travailleurs indĂ©pendants vivant ou rĂ©sidant Ă l'Ă©tranger qui effectuent des activitĂ©s en Belgique. |
55K2288 | 27/10/2021 | â | Projet de Loi portant assentiment Ă l'accord de coopĂ©ration lĂ©gislatif de 28 octobre 2021 visant Ă la modification d'accord de coopĂ©ration du 14 juillet 2021 entre l'Ătat fĂ©dĂ©ral, la CommunautĂ© flamande, la CommunautĂ© française, la CommunautĂ© germanophone, la Commission communautaire commune, la RĂ©gion wallonne et la Commission communautaire française concernant le traitement des donnĂ©es liĂ©es au certificat COVID numĂ©rique de l'UE et au Covid Safe Ticket, le PLF et le traitement des donnĂ©es Ă caractĂšre personnel des travailleurs salariĂ©s et des travailleurs indĂ©pendants vivant ou rĂ©sidant Ă l'Ă©tranger qui effectuent des activitĂ©s en Belgique. |
55K2707 | 01/06/2022 | â | Projet de loi portant assentiment Ă l'Accord de coopĂ©ration du 17 juillet 2019 entre l'Ătat fĂ©dĂ©ral, la RĂ©gion flamande, la RĂ©gion wallonne et la RĂ©gion de Bruxelles-Capitale concernant l'unification de la maniĂšre de rĂ©fĂ©rencer les adresses et de la mise en relation des donnĂ©es d'adresses. |
55K2801 | 04/07/2022 | â | Projet de loi modifiant diverses dispositions relatives Ă la maĂźtrise de l'offre des professions des soins de santĂ©. |
55K2871 | 19/09/2022 | â | Projet de loi modifiant la loi coordonnĂ©e du 10 mai 2015 relative Ă l'exercice des professions des soins de santĂ© concernant la maĂźtrise de l'offre. |
55K3079 | 09/01/2023 | â | Projet de loi portant assentiment de l'accord de coopĂ©ration du 30 novembre 2022 entre l'Ătat fĂ©dĂ©ral, la RĂ©gion flamande, la RĂ©gion wallonne, la RĂ©gion de Bruxelles-Capitale, la CommunautĂ© flamande, la CommunautĂ© française, la CommunautĂ© germanophone, la Commission communautaire française et la Commission communautaire commune visant Ă instaurer un mĂ©canisme de filtrage des investissements directs Ă©trangers. |
55K3084 | 26/01/2023 | â | Projet de loi portant assentiment Ă l'accord de coopĂ©ration du 13 juillet 2021 entre l'Ătat fĂ©dĂ©ral, la RĂ©gion flamande, la RĂ©gion wallonne et la RĂ©gion de Bruxelles-Capitale portant coordination de la politique de transfert transfrontalier des dĂ©chets. |
55K3090 | 11/01/2023 | â | Projet de loi portant assentiment Ă l'accord de coopĂ©ration du 19 dĂ©cembre 2022 entre l'Ătat fĂ©dĂ©ral, la CommunautĂ© flamande, la RĂ©gion flamande, la RĂ©gion wallonne, la RĂ©gion de Bruxelles-Capitale, la CommunautĂ© française et la CommunautĂ© germanophone relatif Ă l'utilisation de la facilitĂ© pour la reprise et la rĂ©silience. |
55K3139 | 16/02/2023 | â | Projet de loi spĂ©ciale abrogeant l'article 65quater et l'annexe de la loi spĂ©ciale du 16 janvier 1989 relative au financement des CommunautĂ©s et des RĂ©gions (I). |
55K3140 | 16/02/2023 | â | Projet de loi abrogeant la loi du 6 janvier 2014 relative au mĂ©canisme de responsabilisation climat (II). |
55K3172 | 08/03/2023 | â | Projet de loi portant assentiment Ă l'Accord de coopĂ©ration du 24 avril 2020 entre l'Ătat fĂ©dĂ©ral, la RĂ©gion flamande, la RĂ©gion wallonne et la RĂ©gion de Bruxelles-Capitale relatif Ă l'exĂ©cution de plusieurs dispositions de la directive 2016/2284 du Parlement europĂ©en et du Conseil du 14 dĂ©cembre 2016 concernant la rĂ©duction des Ă©missions nationales de certains polluants atmosphĂ©riques, modifiant la directive 2003/35/CE et abrogeant la directive 2001/81/CE. |
55K3178 | 08/03/2023 | â | Projet de loi portant assentiment Ă l'Accord de coopĂ©ration du 7 septembre 2018 entre l'Ătat fĂ©dĂ©ral, la RĂ©gion flamande, la RĂ©gion wallonne et la RĂ©gion de Bruxelles-Capitale relatif Ă l'exĂ©cution d'un certain nombre de dispositions du Protocole Ă la Convention de 1979 sur la pollution atmosphĂ©rique transfrontaliĂšre Ă longue distance, relatif Ă la rĂ©duction de l'acidification, de l'eutrophisation et de l'ozone troposphĂ©rique, avec annexes, signĂ©s Ă Göteborg le 30 novembre 1999, tels que modifiĂ©s le 4 mai 2012 Ă GenĂšve. |
55K3203 | 13/03/2023 | â | Projet de loi portant assentiment Ă l'Accord de coopĂ©ration du 10 mars 2023 entre l'Ătat fĂ©dĂ©ral, la CommunautĂ© flamande, la RĂ©gion wallonne, la CommunautĂ© germanophone et la Commission communautaire commune visant Ă la modification de l'Accord de coopĂ©ration du 25 aoĂ»t 2020 entre l'Ătat fĂ©dĂ©ral, la CommunautĂ© flamande, la RĂ©gion wallonne, la CommunautĂ© germanophone et la Commission communautaire commune, concernant le traitement conjoint de donnĂ©es par Sciensano et les centres de contact dĂ©signĂ©s par les entitĂ©s fĂ©dĂ©rĂ©es compĂ©tentes ou par les agences compĂ©tentes, par les services d'inspections d'hygiĂšne et par les Ă©quipes mobiles dans le cadre d'un suivi des contacts auprĂšs des personnes (prĂ©sumĂ©es) infectĂ©es par le coronavirus COVID-19 se fondant sur une base de donnĂ©es auprĂšs de Sciensano. |
55K3626 | 25/10/2023 | â | Projet de loi portant assentiment Ă l'Accord de coopĂ©ration du 22 septembre 2023 entre l'Ătat fĂ©dĂ©ral, la RĂ©gion flamande, la RĂ©gion wallonne et la RĂ©gion de Bruxelles-Capitale relatif Ă certaines dispositions du partage des objectifs belges climat et Ă©nergie pour le dĂ©but de la pĂ©riode 2021-2030 et au partage des revenus fĂ©dĂ©raux de la mise aux enchĂšres des quotas d'Ă©missions pour les annĂ©es 2015 Ă 2020 incluse. |
55K3828 | 13/02/2024 | â | Projet de loi portant assentiment Ă l'accord de coopĂ©ration lĂ©gislatif du 8 fĂ©vrier 2024 entre l'Ătat fĂ©dĂ©ral, la CommunautĂ© flamande, la CommunautĂ© française, la CommunautĂ© germanophone, la Commission communautaire commune, la RĂ©gion wallonne et la Commission communautaire française visant Ă la modification de l'Accord de coopĂ©ration du 14 juillet 2021 entre l'Ătat fĂ©dĂ©ral, la CommunautĂ© flamande, la CommunautĂ© française, la CommunautĂ© germanophone, la Commission communautaire commune, la RĂ©gion wallonne et la Commission communautaire française concernant le traitement des donnĂ©es liĂ©es au certificat COVID numĂ©rique de l'UE et au COVID Safe Ticket, le PLF et le traitement des donnĂ©es Ă caractĂšre personnel des travailleurs salariĂ©s et des travailleurs indĂ©pendants vivant ou rĂ©sidant Ă l'Ă©tranger qui effectuent des activitĂ©s en Belgique, tel que modifiĂ© par les Accords de coopĂ©ration des 27 septembre 2021 et 28 octobre 2021. |
All available tags ¶
A ¶
- ACP countries
- ACP-EU Convention
- ADR agreement
- Afghanistan
- Africa
- African Development Bank
- African Union
- Albania
- Algeria
- Andean Community
- Andean Community countries
- Andorra
- Angola
- Anguilla
- Antarctica
- Antigua and Barbuda
- Arctic
- Argentina
- Armenia
- Armenian question
- Aruba
- Asia
- Australia
- Austria
- Azerbaijan
B ¶
C ¶
- Cambodia
- Canada
- Cape Verde
- Cayman Islands
- Central America
- Chad
- Channel Islands
- Chile
- China
- Christian
- Christianity
- Colombia
- Commission on Human Rights
- Community budget
- Community certification
- Comoros
- Costa Rica
- Cotonou Agreement
- Council of Europe
- Council of Ministers
- Court of Justice of the European Union
- Croatia
- Cuba
- Cyprus
- Czechia
- Czechoslovakia
- CĂŽte d'Ivoire
D ¶
E ¶
- EC Directive
- EC Regulation
- EC conformity marking
- EU Accession Treaty
- EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
- EU Council Presidency
- EU act
- EU aid
- EU control
- EU financial instrument
- EU institution
- EU law
- EU law - national law
- EU migration policy
- EU national
- EU police cooperation
- Ecofin
- Economic Interest Grouping
- Economic and Monetary Union
- Ecosoc
- Ecuador
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- Ethiopia
- Eurocontrol
- Eurojust
- Europe
- European Central Bank
- European Commission
- European Communities
- European Community
- European Constitution
- European Convention on Human Rights
- European Council
- European Court of Human Rights
- European Economic Area
- European Investment Bank
- European Parliament
- European Patent Office
- European Social Charter
- European Space Agency
- European System of Central Banks
- European Union
- European Union membership
- European accounting system
- European arms policy
- European arrest warrant
- European company
- European convention
- European cooperation
- European cooperative
- European defence policy
- European election
- European integration
- European official
- European organisation
- European patent
- European school
- European security
- European standard
- European tax cooperation
- Europol
F ¶
G ¶
H ¶
I ¶
- Iceland
- India
- Indonesia
- International Atomic Energy Agency
- International Civil Aviation Organisation
- International Court of Justice
- International Criminal Court
- International Criminal Tribunal
- International Development Association
- International Labour Conference
- International Labour Organisation
- International Maritime Organisation
- International Monetary Fund
- International Organisation for Migration
- International Telecommunication Union
- Internet
- Internet access provider
- Internet site
- Interparliamentary Union
- Interpol
- Iran
- Iraq
- Ireland
- Islam
- Isle of Man
- Israel
- Italy
J ¶
K ¶
L ¶
M ¶
N ¶
O ¶
P ¶
Q ¶
R ¶
S ¶
- Saarland
- Saint Kitts and Nevis
- Saint Lucia
- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- San Marino
- Saudi Arabia
- Schengen Agreement
- Schengen Information System
- Second World War
- Senegal
- Serbia
- Serbia and Montenegro
- Seychelles
- Sierra Leone
- Singapore
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Somalia
- South Africa
- South Korea
- South-East Asia
- Spain
- Speaker of Parliament
- Sri Lanka
- State
- State aid
- State secret
- Statute for Members of the Parliament
- Sunday working
- Surinam
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Syria
T ¶
U ¶
V ¶
W ¶
Y ¶
Z ¶
A ¶
- abortion
- absenteeism
- absolute majority
- abuse of power
- access to EU information
- access to a profession
- access to information
- access to the courts
- accession to an agreement
- accession to the European Union
- accident prevention
- account
- accountant
- accounting
- accounting system
- action brought before an administrative court
- action for annulment
- action programme
- activity report
- additional benefit
- administration of the Institutions
- administrative check
- administrative competition
- administrative cooperation
- administrative court
- administrative formalities
- administrative law
- administrative measure
- administrative offence
- administrative order
- administrative procedure
- administrative reform
- administrative responsibility
- administrative sanction
- administrative structures
- administrative supervision
- administrative transparency
- administrative unit
- admission of aliens
- adoption of a child
- adult
- adult education
- advertising
- advertising malpractice
- aerospace industry
- aesthetic surgery
- age of majority
- aggravating circumstances
- agreement (EU)
- agri-foodstuffs
- agricultural holding
- agricultural land
- agricultural policy
- agricultural product
- agricultural real estate
- agricultural vehicle
- agro-industry
- aid evaluation
- aid for restructuring
- aid policy
- aid to agriculture
- aid to disadvantaged groups
- aid to disaster victims
- aid to refugees
- aid to undertakings
- air force
- air law
- air quality
- air safety
- air space
- air traffic
- air traffic control
- air transport
- aircraft
- airline
- airport
- alcohol
- alcoholic beverage
- alcoholism
- allocation of land
- allocation of seats
- allowances and expenses
- alternative medicine
- alternative sentence
- amendment of a law
- animal disease
- animal experimentation
- animal feedingstuffs
- animal health
- animal product
- animal production
- animal skin
- animal welfare
- announcement of candidacy
- anti-crisis plan
- anti-discriminatory measure
- antisemitism
- apparatus based on the use of rays
- appeal
- appeal to an administrative authority
- application of EU law
- application of the law
- applied research
- appointment of staff
- approximation of laws
- aquatic environment
- arbitration
- archaeology
- architecture
- archives
- area management
- area of freedom, security and justice
- armed forces
- arms control
- arms industry
- arms limitation
- arms trade
- arrangement of working time
- arrest
- artificial insemination
- artificial intelligence
- artificial reproduction
- artistic creation
- artistic profession
- arts
- asbestos
- assisting spouse
- association
- association agreement
- association agreement (EU)
- atmosphere
- atmospheric pollutant
- auction sale
- audiovisual equipment
- audiovisual industry
- audiovisual production
- audit
- auditing
- austerity policy
- automatic vending machine
- automation
- award of contract
- axle tax
B ¶
- backlog of court cases
- bailiff
- balance of payments assistance
- balance sheet
- ballot paper
- bank
- bank charges
- bank deposit
- banking
- banking policy
- banking profession
- banking secrecy
- banking supervision
- bankruptcy
- barring of penalties by limitation
- basic research
- basis of tax assessment
- behavioural sciences
- bicameral system
- bilingualism
- bio-ethics
- bio-industry
- biodiversity
- biology
- biomass
- biometrics
- biotechnology
- bird
- blood transfusion
- blue-collar worker
- board of directors
- board of management
- bond
- bonus payment
- book trade
- border control
- borrowing
- botany
- branch
- branch of activity
- breach of domicile
- breach of trust
- broadcasting
- broker
- budget
- budget deficit
- budget financing
- budget policy
- budgetary control
- budgetary equilibrium
- budgetary procedure
- budgetary resources
- budgetary specification
- buffer stock
- building
- building industry
- building materials
- building safety
- built-up area
- bureau of parliament
- bus
- business activity
- business ethics
- business management
- business name
- business policy
- business start-up
- buying group
C ¶
- cable distribution
- cadmium
- cancer
- candidate
- capital city
- capital gains tax
- capital increase
- capital movement
- capital transfer tax
- carcinogenic substance
- care of mothers and infants
- care of the disabled
- carriage of goods
- carriage of passengers
- carrier
- carrying out of sentence
- casual employment
- catering industry
- cease-fire
- cemetery
- central bank
- centralisation of information
- cessation of trading
- change of job
- charge
- charges for use of infrastructure
- chemical product
- chemical salt
- chemical weapon
- cheque
- child
- child care
- child labour
- child pornography
- child protection
- children's rights
- chronic illness
- church-State relations
- cinema
- citizen's duties
- citizen-authority relations
- citizens' Europe
- civil aviation
- civil code
- civil defence
- civil law
- civil liability
- civil liability proceedings
- civil procedure
- civil proceedings
- civil register
- civil rights
- civil servant
- civil service
- civil status
- civil union
- civil war
- civilian personnel
- claim
- clandestine worker
- classification
- clearing of land
- climate
- climate change
- clothing
- coastal region
- cocoa
- code of conduct
- coffee
- cohabitation
- collective agreement
- collective dismissal
- collective interest
- colonialism
- combined transport
- commemoration
- commercial arbitration
- commercial contract
- commercial court
- commercial law
- commercial transaction
- commercial vehicle
- committee of inquiry
- common agricultural policy
- common foreign and security policy
- common security and defence policy
- common transport policy
- communications profession
- communications systems
- commuting
- company in difficulties
- company law
- company structure
- company with share capital
- comparative advertising
- competition
- competition law
- competition policy
- competitiveness
- composition
- composition of a parliamentary committee
- composition of parliament
- compulsory education
- compulsory insurance
- computer
- computer crime
- computer system
- computer systems
- conciliation procedure (part of ordinary legislative procedure)
- conditional discharge
- confectionery
- confidentiality
- confiscation of property
- conflict prevention
- congenital disease
- conscientious objection
- conservation of fish stocks
- consolidated account
- constitution
- constitutional court
- constitutional revision
- consulate
- consumer credit
- consumer goods
- consumer information
- consumer movement
- consumer protection
- consumption
- continental shelf
- continuing vocational training
- contraception
- contract
- contract staff
- contract terms
- contractual liability
- control of constitutionality
- conventional weapon
- cooperation agreement
- cooperation agreement (EU)
- cooperation policy
- cooperative
- coordination of EMU policies
- coordination of aid
- copper
- copyright
- corporate finance
- corporate governance
- corporation tax
- corruption
- cosmetic product
- cost of living
- counting of the votes
- countryside conservation
- court of civil jurisdiction
- courts and tribunals
- craft business
- craftsman
- credit
- credit guarantee
- credit institution
- credit policy
- credit purchase
- credit transfer
- crew
- crime
- crime against humanity
- crime against individuals
- crime against property
- criminal court
- criminal investigation department
- criminal law
- criminal liability
- criminal procedure
- criminal record
- criminology
- crop production
- cross-border cooperation
- cross-border transport
- cross-channel connection
- cruel and degrading treatment
- cultural cooperation
- cultural event
- cultural heritage
- cultural object
- cultural organisation
- cultural pluralism
- cultural policy
- culture
- culture industry
- cumulative pension entitlement
- custody
- customs
- customs cooperation
- customs duties
- customs formalities
- customs fraud
- customs harmonisation
- customs inspection
- customs profession
- customs regulations
- customs territory (EU)
- customs union
- customs warehouse
- cycle and motorcycle industry
- cycle track
- cyclical unemployment
- cytology
D ¶
- damage
- damages
- dangerous substance
- data collection
- data processing
- data protection
- data recording
- data transmission
- data-processing law
- database
- deadline for payment
- death
- death penalty
- debt
- debt reduction
- decision
- decision (EU)
- decision-making
- decision-making body (EU)
- decommissioning of power stations
- decontamination
- decree
- deduction at source
- defective product
- defence budget
- defence policy
- deforestation
- degradation of the environment
- delegated legislation
- delegation of power
- delinquency
- delivery
- demerger
- democracy
- democratisation
- dental medicine
- dentist
- dependant
- deportee
- descendant
- designs and models
- detention before trial
- developing countries
- development aid
- development bank
- development policy
- diesel fuel
- diffusion of innovations
- digital divide
- digital technology
- digitisation
- diploma
- diplomatic immunity
- diplomatic profession
- diplomatic protection
- diplomatic relations
- diplomatic representation
- direct tax
- directly-elected chamber
- disability insurance
- disabled person
- disarmament
- disciplinary proceedings
- disclosure of information
- discount sale
- discretionary power
- discrimination based on disability
- discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation
- disease of the nervous system
- disease prevention
- disease vector
- dismissal
- display
- dissemination of information
- dissolution of parliament
- distance selling
- distribution business
- distributive trades
- distributor
- division into constituencies
- division of powers
- divorce
- doctor
- document retrieval
- domestic animal
- domestic consumption
- domestic market
- domestic violence
- dominant position
- donation
- double taxation
- drawing up of the budget
- dredging
- drinking water
- drivers
- driving instruction
- driving licence
- driving period
- drought
- drug addiction
- drug surveillance
- drug traffic
- dual nationality
- dumping of waste
- durable goods
- duties of civil servants
E ¶
- early childhood
- early retirement
- earthquake
- ecological balance
- economic activity
- economic conditions
- economic convergence
- economic development
- economic offence
- economic policy
- economic recession
- economic rights
- economic sanctions
- economic statistics
- economic support
- economy
- ecosystem
- education
- education grant
- educational institution
- elderly person
- election
- election campaign publicity
- election expenses
- election financing
- election programme
- elective office
- electoral law
- electoral reform
- electric vehicle
- electrical energy
- electrical industry
- electricity supply
- electronic banking
- electronic commerce
- electronic component
- electronic device
- electronic document
- electronic document management
- electronic equipment
- electronic government
- electronic mail
- electronic money
- electronic publishing
- electronic signature
- electronic voting
- embassy
- embryo and foetus
- emergency aid
- emergency medical treatment
- employer
- employment aid
- employment policy
- employment service
- endocrine disease
- energy consumption
- energy crisis
- energy distribution
- energy efficiency
- energy grid
- energy industry
- energy policy
- energy production
- energy saving
- energy storage
- energy supply
- energy technology
- energy transport
- energy-generating product
- enforcement of ruling
- enlargement of the Union
- entrepreneur
- environmental impact
- environmental law
- environmental liability
- environmental monitoring
- environmental policy
- environmental protection
- environmental standard
- environmental tax
- epidemic
- equal pay
- equal treatment
- equivalence of diplomas
- espionage
- establishment
- establishment of peace
- ethics
- ethnic discrimination
- euro
- euro area
- euthanasia
- evaluation method
- evidence
- ex-serviceman
- examination
- exchange of information
- exchange transaction
- excise duty
- exclusion from public-sector employment
- exclusive distribution agreement
- exclusive economic zone
- executive
- executive power
- expatriate worker
- experiment on humans
- expert's report ordered by a court
- exploitation of the sea-bed
- exploitation of the seas
- explosive
- export
- export of waste
- expropriation
- expulsion from housing
- external border of the EU
- extra-atmospheric space
- extraction of oil
- extradition
- extreme right
- extremism
F ¶
- facilities for the disabled
- fair trade
- family
- family benefit
- family law
- family migration
- family planning
- family protection
- farm lease
- farm price support
- farm prices
- farmer
- farming sector
- fats
- federal State
- federalism
- female work
- fight against crime
- fight against unemployment
- fighter aircraft
- film industry
- film production
- financial aid
- financial analysis
- financial control
- financial institution
- financial instrument
- financial interests of members
- financial intervention
- financial legislation
- financial loss
- financial management
- financial market
- financial occupation
- financial policy
- financial protocol
- financial solvency
- financial statistics
- financial transaction
- financing
- financing method
- financing of aid
- financing of the EU budget
- fine
- fine arts
- fire protection
- firearms and munitions
- firm governed by commercial law
- first aid
- first job
- fiscal policy
- fisherman
- fishing industry
- fishing rights
- fishing vessel
- fixing of prices
- flag
- flat-rate tax
- flood
- floriculture
- food aid
- food contamination
- food industry
- food inspection
- food policy
- food price
- food resources
- food safety
- food shortage
- food supplement
- foodstuff
- foodstuffs legislation
- forced disappearance
- forces abroad
- foreign aid
- foreign enterprise
- foreign exchange market
- foreign investment
- foreign national
- foreign policy
- foreign student
- foreign trade
- forensic medicine
- forest
- forest conservation
- forestry economics
- forestry holding
- forestry policy
- form
- former South Yemen
- foundation
- framework agreement
- framework decision
- franchising
- fraud
- free competition
- free medical care
- free movement of capital
- free movement of goods
- free movement of persons
- free movement of workers
- free service
- free zone
- free-trade agreement
- free-trade area
- freedom of expression
- freedom of self-determination
- freedom of the press
- freedom of trade
- freedom to provide services
- freight rate
- freshwater
- fringe benefit
- frontier
- frontier region
- frontier worker
- fuel
- fuel oil
- fuel reprocessing
- fuel tax
- fund (EU)
- fundamental rights
G ¶
- game of chance
- gas
- gas industry
- gas pipeline
- gas supply
- gender equality
- generic drug
- genetic engineering
- genetically modified organism
- genetics
- geographical information system
- gift
- globalisation
- gold
- goods and services
- governance
- government
- government bill
- government violence
- green area
- greenhouse gas
- ground handling
- guarantee
- guaranteed income
- guardianship
H ¶
- handicrafts
- harbour installation
- harmonisation law
- head of State
- head office
- health care
- health care profession
- health care system
- health control
- health costs
- health expenditure
- health insurance
- health policy
- health risk
- health service
- heating
- heavy metal
- help for victims
- herbicide
- heritage protection
- high-speed transport
- higher court
- higher education
- highway code
- hiring
- historic site
- home care
- home help
- home working
- homelessness
- homicide
- honour
- hormone
- horticulture
- hospital expenses
- hospitalisation
- hotel industry
- household
- housing
- housing policy
- human nutrition
- human rights
- humanitarian aid
- hunger
- hunting
- hydrogen
- hydrology
I ¶
- identity document
- illegal migration
- illegal restraint
- illicit trade
- illness
- impact study
- implementation of the budget
- import
- import restriction
- imprisonment
- incapacity for work
- income
- income in addition to normal pay
- incompatibility
- indebtedness
- indemnification
- indemnity insurance
- independent retailer
- indirect tax
- industrial counterfeiting
- industrial financing
- industrial fishing
- industrial free zone
- industrial hazard
- industrial property
- industrial restructuring
- industrial secret
- industrial waste
- infancy
- infant mortality
- infectious disease
- information
- information network
- information policy
- information processing
- information society
- information system
- information technology
- information technology applications
- information technology industry
- information technology profession
- infringement of EU law
- inheritance
- injunction
- inland waterway shipping
- inland waterway transport
- innovation
- insect
- institution of public utility
- institutional cooperation
- institutional reform
- insurance
- insurance company
- insurance contract
- insurance indemnity
- insurance law
- insurance occupation
- insurance premium
- integration into employment
- integration of migrants
- integration of the disabled
- intellectual property
- intelligent transport system
- inter-parliamentary cooperation
- interest
- interest group
- interest rate subsidy
- intergovernmental cooperation (EU)
- international adoption
- international affairs
- international agreement
- international arbitration
- international civil servant
- international conference
- international conflict
- international cooperation
- international court
- international criminal law
- international humanitarian law
- international investment
- international law
- international law - national law
- international loan
- international merger
- international monetary system
- international negotiations
- international organisation
- international payment
- international road transport
- international sanctions
- international school
- international security
- international trade
- international trade law
- international transport
- international waters
- international waterway
- interpretation of the law
- interpreting
- interprofessional agreement
- intervention policy
- intra-EU trade
- invention
- investment
- investment abroad
- investment bank
- investment company
- investment policy
- investment promotion
- investment protection
- investment transaction
- invitation to tender
- invoicing
- iodine
- irradiation
- issue of securities
- itinerant trade
J ¶
K ¶
L ¶
- labelling
- labour flexibility
- labour inspectorate
- labour law
- labour market
- labour mobility
- labour shortage
- labour standard
- labour tribunal
- lake
- land and buildings
- land policies
- land transport
- land use
- language teaching
- law of banking
- law of obligations
- law of outer space
- law of succession
- law of the sea
- law of war
- law relating to prisons
- lawyer
- lay magistrate
- lead
- lease
- leave for political activities
- leave on social grounds
- legal action
- legal adviser
- legal aid
- legal capacity
- legal code
- legal deposit
- legal domicile
- legal expenses
- legal hearing
- legal person
- legal process
- legal profession
- legal status
- legal system
- legislation
- legislative drafting
- legislative initiative
- legislative period
- legislative power
- legislative procedure
- leisure
- length of journey
- length of studies
- less-favoured region
- liability
- liberal profession
- liberalisation of the market
- liberalisation of trade
- library
- life assurance
- limitation of legal proceedings
- linguistic group
- liquidation
- liquidity control
- literary and artistic property
- littoral
- live animal
- livestock farming
- loan
- local authority
- local authority finances
- local election
- local employment initiative
- local tax
- long-term unemployment
- low income
- low pay
- luxury products industry
M ¶
- magistrate
- maintenance
- maintenance obligation
- malnutrition
- man-made disaster
- management
- management audit
- management techniques
- manager
- managing director
- manual worker
- marginalisation
- marine environment
- marine pollution
- maritime area
- maritime law
- maritime safety
- maritime shipping
- maritime surveillance
- maritime transport
- market access
- market approval
- market intervention
- market organisation
- market stabilisation
- market supervision
- marketing
- marketing standard
- marriage
- marriage of convenience
- married person
- mass communications
- mass media
- maternity benefit
- maternity leave
- matrimonial law
- maximum price
- means of communication
- means of public conveyance
- means of transport
- measuring equipment
- mediator
- medical data
- medical device
- medical diagnosis
- medical error
- medical examination
- medical institution
- medical research
- medical science
- medical training
- medicinal product
- medicine
- medium-sized business
- mendicity
- mental health
- mental illness
- mental stress
- mentally disabled person
- mercenary
- merchant
- merchant fleet
- mercury
- merger
- merger control
- metal pollution
- metal waste
- metals
- meteorology
- micro-enterprise
- microfinance
- microform
- microloan
- middle class
- midwife
- migrant
- migrant worker
- migration
- migration policy
- migratory movement
- military aircraft
- military base
- military cooperation
- military court
- military equipment
- military intervention
- military personnel
- military secret
- military training
- miner
- mineral oil
- minimum pay
- mining of ore
- mining operation
- mining product
- minister
- ministry
- misuse of a right
- mitigating circumstances
- mobile phone
- monetary cooperation
- monetary crisis
- monetary integration
- monetary policy
- monetary union
- money
- money laundering
- monopoly
- monument
- moonlighting
- mortgage
- motherhood
- motor car
- motor fuel
- motor vehicle
- motor vehicle industry
- motor vehicle insurance
- motor vehicle pollution
- multinational enterprise
- multinational force
- multiple office holding
- municipal police
- municipality
- museum
- music
- mutual assistance scheme
- mutual recognition principle
N ¶
- narcotic
- national
- national accounts
- national budget
- national election
- national implementing measure
- national independence
- national law
- national library
- national park
- national parliament
- national planning
- national statistics
- nationalisation
- nationality
- nationality of legal persons
- natural child
- natural disaster
- natural gas
- natural resources
- naturalisation
- nature reserve
- navigation aid
- navy
- negotiable instrument
- neighbourhood police
- neutrality
- new technology
- newspaper
- night work
- noise
- noise pollution
- noise protection
- non-alcoholic beverage
- non-commercial sector
- non-government bill
- non-governmental organisation
- non-profit organisation
- notary
- nuclear accident
- nuclear energy
- nuclear fuel
- nuclear industry
- nuclear law
- nuclear medicine
- nuclear non-proliferation
- nuclear policy
- nuclear power station
- nuclear research
- nuclear safety
- nuclear test
- nuclear weapon
- nuisance
- nursing care
- nursing staff
- nutrition
- nutritional disease
O ¶
- observation
- occupational accident
- occupational accident insurance
- occupational disease
- occupational health
- occupational medicine
- occupational migration
- occupational safety
- occupational status
- oceanography
- offence
- official document
- official language
- official statistics
- offshore oil structure
- oil industry
- oil pollution
- older worker
- one-parent family
- opinion
- optical industry
- optical medium
- ordinary court of law
- organ transplant
- organic chemical
- organisation
- organisation chart
- organisation of elections
- organisation of health care
- organisation of professions
- organisation of teaching
- organisation of work
- organised crime
- orphan
- outflow of capital
- outline law
- over-the-counter drug
- overheads
- overlapping of income
- overpopulation
- overseas countries and territories
- overseas territory
- overtime
- own resources
- ownership
- oxide
- ozone
P ¶
- packaging product
- paediatrics
- paedophilia
- paid leave
- palliative care
- paper money
- paramedical profession
- parent company
- parental authority
- parental leave
- parental responsibility
- parking area
- parking charge
- parliament
- parliamentary allowance
- parliamentary committee
- parliamentary debate
- parliamentary document
- parliamentary election
- parliamentary inquiry
- parliamentary procedure
- parliamentary question
- parliamentary rules of procedure
- parliamentary scrutiny
- parliamentary sitting
- part-time employment
- participation of women
- party financing
- passport
- patent
- patent law
- patents licence
- paternity leave
- patient's rights
- pauperisation
- pay
- pay policy
- pay scale
- payment
- peaceful co-existence
- peacekeeping
- pedestrian
- penal code
- penal institution
- penalty
- penitentiary staff
- pension scheme
- performing arts
- personal data
- personal income tax
- personal insurance
- personal property
- personal weapon
- personnel administration
- pesticide
- petition
- petroleum
- petroleum exploration
- petroleum policy
- petroleum product
- pharmaceutical expenses
- pharmaceutical industry
- pharmaceutical legislation
- pharmaceutical product
- pharmacist
- pharmacy
- philosophy
- physical aggression
- physically disabled
- pipeline transport
- piracy
- plant breeding
- plant health product
- plant health treatment
- plant life
- plant propagation
- plant resources
- plant variety right
- pleasure craft
- police
- police checks
- police cooperation
- political asylum
- political discrimination
- political involvement
- political morality
- political parties
- political power
- political reform
- political refugee
- political responsibility
- political rights
- political situation
- political violence
- pollutant
- pollution
- pollution control measures
- pollution from ships
- pollution of waterways
- population ageing
- pornography
- position of women
- post office financial services
- postal and telecommunications services
- postal service
- postal vote
- potato
- poultry
- poverty
- power of initiative
- power plant
- power to appoint
- powers of parliament
- powers of the EP
- precious metal
- precious stones
- preliminary issue
- preparation for market
- presidential election
- press
- prevention of delinquency
- price control
- price formation
- price freeze
- price increase
- price index
- price indexing
- price of energy
- price reduction
- price regulations
- prices
- prices policy
- principle of subsidiarity
- prison administration
- prison system
- prisoner
- private insurance
- private international law
- private sector
- privatisation
- probationary period
- processing under customs control
- producer's liability
- product life
- product quality
- product safety
- production capacity
- production standard
- professional association
- professional career
- professional ethics
- professional qualifications
- professional secret
- professional society
- professional sport
- profit
- profit sharing
- prohibited weapon
- promotion
- promulgation of a law
- proof
- propane gas
- property leasing
- property tax
- prostitution
- protected species
- protection of animal life
- protection of animals
- protection of communications
- protection of freedoms
- protection of minorities
- protection of plant life
- protection of privacy
- protocol to an agreement
- province
- provision
- provision of documents
- provision of services
- provisional twelfth
- psychiatric confinement
- psychiatric institution
- psychiatry
- psychological harassment
- psychology
- public accounting
- public administration
- public authorities
- public awareness campaign
- public borrowing
- public building
- public debt
- public education
- public finance
- public financing
- public health
- public hearing
- public holiday
- public hygiene
- public institution
- public investment
- public law
- public limited company
- public order
- public procurement
- public property
- public prosecution
- public prosecutor's department
- public safety
- public sector
- public service
- public service employee
- public transport
- public works
- publication
- publication of a law
- publication of accounts
- publishing
- pupil
- purchasing power
Q ¶
R ¶
- racial discrimination
- racism
- radio equipment
- radio telecommunications
- radioactive materials
- radioactive pollution
- radioactive waste
- rail network
- rail transport
- railway station
- ratification of an agreement
- raw material
- real estate business
- real estate credit
- real property
- receivership
- recognition of diplomas
- recognition of studies
- recognition of vocational training qualifications
- recommendation
- record
- recording
- recording equipment
- recruitment
- redemption
- redevelopment aid
- reduced price
- reduction of gas emissions
- reduction of sentence
- reduction of working time
- redundancy
- referendum
- reflation
- refugee
- regional accounting
- regional aid
- regional election
- regional finances
- regional parliament
- regional planning
- regional transport
- regionalisation
- regions and communities of Belgium
- registration of a company
- registration of voters
- registration tax
- regulation (EU)
- regulation of telecommunications
- regulation of transactions
- regulations for civil servants
- reinsurance
- reintegration into working life
- relations between the State and the regions
- relationship
- release on licence
- religion
- religious discrimination
- religious fundamentalism
- religious sect
- remote sensing
- removal
- remuneration of work
- renewable energy
- repatriation of capital
- repeal
- repentance
- representative of local or regional authority
- reproductive health
- reprography
- requisitioning of workers
- research
- research and development
- research body
- research staff
- reserve army
- reserves
- residence
- residence permit
- resolution
- resolution of parliament
- resources of the sea
- respiratory disease
- rest period
- restriction of liberty
- restriction on competition
- retail outlet
- retail trade
- retired person
- retirement conditions
- return migration
- revenue
- revision of an agreement
- right of asylum
- right of establishment
- right to culture
- right to demonstrate
- right to education
- right to health
- right to information
- right to physical integrity
- right to stand for election
- right to strike
- right to vote
- right to work
- rights of access
- rights of aliens
- rights of civil servants
- rights of minorities
- rights of the defence
- risk management
- road safety
- road traffic
- road transport
- roadworthiness tests
- robotics
- robotisation
- rolling stock
- rule of law
- rules of procedure
- ruling
- rural region
S ¶
- safety device
- safety standard
- sale
- sales occupation
- salt
- sample survey
- satellite
- satellite communications
- satellite navigation
- savings
- school transport
- scientific cooperation
- scientific research
- sea fishing
- sea-bed
- seal
- search
- seasonal employment
- seat of institution
- secret service
- secular State
- secularity
- securities
- security of supply
- security services
- seed
- seizure of goods
- self-defence
- self-employed person
- selling price
- seniority
- sensitive area
- separation of powers
- serial publication
- service
- service concession
- service industry
- service occupation
- services company
- services of general interest
- settlement of disputes
- severance pay
- sexual discrimination
- sexual harassment
- sexual minority
- sexual mutilation
- sexual offence
- sexual violence
- sexually transmitted disease
- share
- share capital
- shareholder
- shareholding
- shift work
- ship's flag
- short-term monetary support
- shortage
- sick leave
- signalling device
- simplification of formalities
- simplification of legislation
- single market
- slaughter animal
- slaughter of animals
- slavery
- small and medium-sized enterprises
- small business
- smoking
- social dialogue
- social dumping
- social economy
- social facilities
- social indicator
- social inequality
- social integration
- social legislation
- social norm
- social pact
- social participation
- social policy
- social problem
- social rehabilitation
- social rights
- social security
- social security legislation
- social services
- social situation
- social status
- social well-being
- social-security benefit
- social-security contribution
- social-security harmonisation
- socially disadvantaged class
- socioeconomic conditions
- soft energy
- soft technology
- software
- soil pollution
- solar energy
- source of information
- space navigation
- space policy
- space research
- space station
- space transport
- space vehicle
- special tax
- specialised committee
- speculative capital
- speed control
- sponsorship
- sport
- sporting event
- sports body
- stability pact
- stability programme
- staff
- staff assessment
- staff regulations
- stamp duty
- standard
- standardisation
- state of emergency
- stateless person
- statistics
- stepfamily
- sterilisation
- stock
- stock exchange
- stock-exchange transaction
- storage
- storage of waste
- strategic reserves
- stratospheric pollution
- strike
- student
- subcontracting
- subsidiary
- subsidised housing
- subsistence level income
- substandard housing
- substitute fuel
- suburban transport
- sugar
- suicide
- sulphur
- summary procedure
- summertime
- summit meeting
- supermarket
- supervisory body
- supervisory power
- supplementary budget
- supplementary income
- supplementary pension
- supplier
- support mechanism
- surname
- surveillance
- survivor's benefit
- suspension of sentence
- sustainable agriculture
- sustainable development
- sustainable forest management
- sustainable mobility
- swine
T ¶
- takeover bid
- tariff agreement
- tariff policy
- tax
- tax authorities
- tax avoidance
- tax collection
- tax convention
- tax evasion
- tax incentive
- tax inspection
- tax law
- tax offence
- tax on capital
- tax on consumption
- tax on income
- tax on investment income
- tax on profits of self-employment
- tax rebate
- tax reform
- tax relief
- tax return
- tax system
- tax-free allowance
- taxpayer
- teaching
- technical regulations
- technical specification
- technical standard
- technology
- telecommunications
- telecommunications equipment
- telecommunications industry
- telephone
- telephone charges
- television
- teleworking
- temporary admission
- temporary employment
- temporary employment agency
- tendering
- termination of a contract
- termination of employment
- terminology
- territorial jurisdiction
- territorial waters
- terrorism
- test tube fertilisation
- theft
- theory of marketing
- therapeutics
- third country
- third-party insurance
- threat to national security
- ticket
- time-sharing
- tobacco
- tobacco industry
- toll
- torture
- tourism
- tourist infrastructure
- tourist region
- town
- town and country planning
- town-planning profession
- toxic substance
- toy industry
- trade agreement
- trade agreement (EU)
- trade dispute
- trade in organs
- trade information
- trade intermediary
- trade licence
- trade policy
- trade regulations
- trade restriction
- trade statistics
- trade union
- trade union election
- trade union rights
- tradeable emission permit
- trademark
- trademark law
- trading hours
- trading operation
- traffic control
- traffic offence
- traffic regulations
- traffic signs
- trafficking in human beings
- traineeship
- training leave
- trans-European network
- transfer of competence
- transfer of prisoners
- transfer of property
- transfrontier pollution
- transgenic plant
- transit
- translation
- transmission network
- transport accident
- transport and mobility
- transport company
- transport document
- transport infrastructure
- transport insurance
- transport law
- transport licence
- transport network
- transport of animals
- transport of dangerous goods
- transport of patients
- transport regulations
- transport safety
- transport statistics
- transport user
- travel
- travel agency
- traveller
- treasurer
- tree
- tropical disease
- tropical plant
- tropical wood
- trust company
- tunnel
- two-wheeled vehicle
- type of business
U ¶
V ¶
- vaccination
- vaccine
- vandalism
- vehicle
- vehicle on rails
- vehicle parts
- vehicle registration
- vehicle tax
- venture capital
- vessel
- veterinarian
- veterinary drug
- veterinary inspection
- veterinary legislation
- veterinary medicine
- victim
- video communications
- video surveillance
- violence
- visual arts
- vocational retraining
- vocational training
- voluntary military service
- voluntary work
- vote
- voting age
W ¶
- wage cost
- wage determination
- wage earner
- wage indexing
- war
- war crime
- war victim
- waste
- waste disposal
- waste incineration
- waste management
- waste recycling
- water
- water management
- water pollutant
- water pollution
- water protection
- water supply
- watercourse
- waterway transport
- waveband
- wealth tax
- weapons' destruction
- weekly rest period
- weights and measures
- welfare
- whale
- white-collar worker
- wholesale trade
- widowed person
- wind energy
- wine
- woman
- women's rights
- wood industry
- wood product
- wood production
- work
- work contract
- work of art
- work permit
- work productivity
- work schedule
- worker consultation
- worker information
- worker participation
- worker with disabilities
- workers' representation
- workers' stock ownership
- working conditions
- working life
- working time
- workplace
- works contract
- works council
- world organisation
- written question