Proposition 51K2413

Logo (Chamber of representatives)

Projet de loi modifiant l'article 13 de la loi du 5 septembre 2001 visant à améliorer le taux d'emploi des travailleurs.

General information

Submitted by
PS | SP MR Open Vld Vooruit Purple Ⅰ
Submission date
April 12, 2006
Official page
work reintegration into working life older worker population ageing employment policy unemployment


Voted to adopt
CD&V Vooruit LE PS | SP Open Vld N-VA MR FN VB
Abstained from voting

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May 18, 2006 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Rapporteur Maggie De Block

This is a very short report. Their

This draft was discussed at the meeting of the Social Zake Committee on 2 May last year. The discussion began with an introduction by Minister Vanvelthoven, Minister of Work. Their

This draft is a implementation of a measure of the Generation Pact, namely measure 59 which replaces the right of the dismissed worker over 45 years of age to outplacement by an obligation of the employer to offer outplacement to these older workers. Their

There is also an information obligation for the employer. Their

Finally, the employer must indicate on the C4 form whether or not he has made an offer for outplacement. Their

During the general discussion, all speakers emphasized the importance of introducing this outplacement obligation. There were also a number of additional questions on information as well as on the effectiveness of the outplacement. Their

Collega Drèze submitted two amendments because he believed that the draft would not include sufficient resources and result commitments for the employer. Their

The Minister replicated that the obligation to outplace will benefit its effectiveness. With regard to the amendments submitted, he stated that their content went too far and, in addition, was rather a matter for the Regions. Therefore, he suggested that the social partners review the proposals and possibly examine what could happen at the level of the Regions. Their

Both amendments were therefore withdrawn by the applicant after this explanation. Their

The vote followed. The draft was unanimously adopted.

President Herman De Croo

Colleagues, I notice that no one is registered in the general discussion. I want to close that and come to the article-like discussion.

Mr. Minister, you are still asking for the word. You have escaped my watchful eye. Mrs. D'Hondt will not escape this! The opposition is very useful.

Mr. Minister, you have the word.

Minister Peter Vanvelthoven

Following the discussion in the committee, I would like to communicate the following to the Chamber.

Collega Drèze has indeed withdrawn two amendments with the request to submit the content of those amendments to the National Labour Council, the NAR. I would like to confirm that this has happened in the meantime. I will hand you a copy of the letter to the NAR so that it can be added to the file.