Proposition 53K1050

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Projet de loi portant des dispositions diverses concernant la Mobilité.

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Submitted by
CD&V Leterme Ⅱ
Submission date
Jan. 18, 2011
Official page
EC Directive airport air traffic air transport transport and mobility pollution from ships maritime transport marine pollution maritime shipping


Voted to adopt
Groen CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP Open Vld N-VA LDD MR VB

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Feb. 10, 2011 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Rapporteur Tanguy Veys

Mr. Speaker, colleagues, allow me, for the one time I am a rapporteur, to do my job, despite the late hour.

The Committee on Infrastructure, Transport and Public Enterprises had in its meeting of 25 January 2011 the discussion on the agenda of the bill containing various provisions on mobility.

In his explanation, the State Secretary of Mobility, Mr. Schouppe, clarified that this is the transposition of European Directive 2005/35 and European Directive 2009/132 amending the Act of 6 April 1995 on the prevention of pollution from ships. He added that the present draft law aims to bring the existing Belgian framework for compliance with international rules for preventing pollution from ships in some missing points in line with the requirements of the European Union regulation.

For example, there is now a mandatory inspection of every ship suspected of an illegal discharge of polluted substances, if that ship enters a Belgian port. It also provides more explicitly that all persons responsible for unlawful disposal can be prosecuted.

The second chapter, which State Secretary Schouppe explained, concerns the economic regulation of the Brussels National Airport. The system was established in 2004, on the one hand, the Royal Decree of 27 May 2004 relating to the conversion of BIAC into a private-law non-commercial company and relating to the airport facilities, and, on the other hand, the Royal Decree of 21 June 2004 granting the operating licence for the Brussels National Airport to the non-commercial company BIAC.

These include: the differentiation of airport fees from the point of view of public and public interest, including environmental matters, the possibility of differentiating services, a mandatory procedure for periodic – annual – consultation between the airport operator and the airport users – the airlines – with remedy in case of disputes.

In addition, it includes the expected information for the airport operator to the airport users in the event of consultation, the obligation for the airport operator to consult the airport users before finalising plans for new infrastructure projects and, finally, the granting of access to information to the independent supervisory authority.

During the general discussion, Ms. Thérèse Snoy d’Oppuers concluded that the enhanced control of waste disposal is a positive thing. However, it wanted to know whether the frequency of the checks will be increased and whether the inspection services concerned have sufficient resources.

It subsequently stated that, in terms of airport fees, environmental and noise damage should be charged. It considers that the funds are far too low and that the surplus income could finance the tasks of both the airport operator and of Belgocontrol.

Mr Tanguy Veys considers that the right referred to in the preliminary draft, as also noted by the Council of State, is an element tax to finance the vzw Institute for Transport along the Inner Waters. It was removed from the final report. The question then arises as to how the WSW will be financed.

In the article-by-article discussion of Article 3, Mr. Bert Wollants asked how wide the controls will be seen and whether they will be based only on the law currently under discussion or also on the law on the mandatory release of waste.

During the discussion of the amendments, Mr. Bert Wollants recalled the State Council’s observation that Article 8 was not amended. He submitted an amendment, which was unanimously adopted.

The draft law, as amended, was unanimously adopted. I would like to thank the journalists, without whom I would not be able to report here today.