Projet de loi modifiant la loi du 7 décembre 1998 organisant un service de police intégré, structuré à deux niveaux et la loi du 15 mai 2007 relative à la sécurité civile, en vue de préciser les règles de compétence en matière de marchés publics applicables aux zones de police et aux zones de secours.
General information ¶
- Authors
- MR Caroline Cassart-Mailleux, Gilles Foret, Philippe Pivin, Sybille de Coster-Bauchau
- Submission date
- Nov. 10, 2017
- Official page
- Visit
- Status
- Adopted
- Requirement
- Simple
- Subjects
- invitation to tender civil defence municipal police public procurement police
Voting ¶
- Voted to adopt
- Groen CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP DéFI Open Vld N-VA MR PP
- Abstained from voting
Contact form ¶
Do you have a question or request regarding this proposition? Select the most appropriate option for your request and I will get back to you shortly.
Discussion ¶
Feb. 21, 2019 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)
Full source
Rapporteur Koenraad Degroote ⚙
I refer to the written report.
Caroline Cassart-Mailleux MR ⚙
Mr. Speaker, dear colleagues, I am very pleased that we can move forward on this proposal, which was long sought by the Union of Belgian Cities and Communes and supported by its sister association, the Vereniging van Belgische Steden in Gemeenten.
The proposal does not call for long developments. The original text of the proposal was primarily aimed at easing the conditions of delegation in public procurement for police and emergency areas. Minister Jambon had in his time settled the problem for rescue zones through the law of 18 July 2018 laying down various provisions Internal.
We have amended the bill accordingly. For greater clarity, we propose that the rules for the jurisdiction of police areas in public procurement are directly included in the Integrated Police Act. For more consistency, we are making the same changes for police areas as those made to emergency areas by the aforementioned 2018 law.
Mutatis mutandis, it concerns the removal of the daily management condition for the possibility of delegating competences to the College for contracts financed from the ordinary budget, and the extension of the possibilities of delegation in order to enable the flexible and efficient management of public procurement of the police areas.
For police areas as well as for rescue areas, we also specify the competencies of the college in relation to what exists in the new municipal law, and we adapt them to situations in which the competencies of the council are exercised by the college, the chief of corps, the commander of the zone or other staff members.
Another two important clarifications regarding the delegation of competences by the board: it is a faculty, an option that is offered, but not an obligation.
For the sake of transparency, I would like to emphasize that we have collaborated with the Union of Belgian Cities and Communes in the drafting of this bill. I thank you for your attention.