Proposition 53K3353

Logo (Chamber of representatives)

Projet de loi fixant certains aspects de l'aménagement du temps de travail des membres professionnels opérationnels des zones de secours et du Service d'incendie et d'aide médicale urgente de la Région Bruxelles-Capitale et modifiant la loi du 15 mai 2007 relative à la sécurité civile.

General information

Submitted by
PS | SP the Di Rupo government
Submission date
Feb. 11, 2014
Official page
EC Directive civil servant working time labour law paid leave fire protection first aid arrangement of working time night work rights of civil servants rest period help for victims


Voted to adopt
CD&V Vooruit LE PS | SP Open Vld MR VB
Abstained from voting
Groen Ecolo N-VA LDD

Party dissidents

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March 13, 2014 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

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Rapporteur André Frédéric

My talk on this project concerning the working hours of firefighters will be brief. As the Minister is absent, she will surely read the intervention of my group. For the report, I refer to my written report.

I will now speak personally. Obviously, my group will support this text, since the fire service reform, voted in 2007, is on the way. The deadlines are approaching and it is time to review the published texts to enable the first concerned, namely firefighters and municipalities, to make every effort to ensure the continuity of an essential service for citizens.

Moreover, this project goes in the direction of an indispensable harmonisation. Does this mean that we are fully satisfied? It would be going too far and I would like to raise three doubts. The first concerns a question of principle, which goes far beyond the question of overtime provided on a voluntary basis. The voluntary nature of overtime is something very random.

One famous politician said: "Between the strong and the weak, it is the law that protects and the freedom that enslaves." In the case that concerns us, it is not so much a question between the strong and the weak, but a question of the sense of duty very strong in our firefighters, since it will be necessary to guarantee the continuity of service. In the absence of compensatory hiring, one cannot imagine a firefighter refusing to provide extra hours at risk of putting the lives of citizens in danger.

The second concerns the transition period forecast for ten years and renewable for a period of ten years. I have no doubt that a change of such a magnitude is not being made in a finger crash, but the prospect of seeing it in 2034 seems to me incredibly distant. This raises practical questions for municipalities: cohabiting different regimes on the same territory when new hiring will take place during that period. I fear unfortunately that this does not represent difficulties, ⁇ not insurmountable but real.

Finally – I think the minister could reassure us on this point if she was present – the essential question of costs arises. The Minister of the Interior said in a committee that the government had unlocked significant funds to not put on the municipal finances the surplus cost of this reform. Many local elected officials and firefighters themselves would be reassured to hear the Interior Minister confirm that these costs will be fully covered by the federal level.

April 3, 2014 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

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Rapporteur Gerda Mylle

I refer to the written report.

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