Proposition 54K3513

Logo (Chamber of representatives)

Projet de loi modifiant diverses dispositions relatives au régime de pension des travailleurs indépendants, en ce qui concerne le cumul entre une pension au taux ménage et une pension dans le chef de l'autre conjoint.

General information

CD&V Griet Smaers
MR Caroline Cassart-Mailleux, Isabelle Galant
Open Vld Egbert Lachaert, Vincent Van Quickenborne
Submission date
Feb. 5, 2019
Official page
overlapping of income pension scheme social security self-employed person


Voted to adopt
Groen CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP DéFI Open Vld N-VA MR PVDA | PTB PP VB

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April 4, 2019 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Isabelle Galant MR

During this legislature, the government has set itself as a direction to improve the purchasing power of pensioners and to gradually harmonize the different pension schemes.

Through various initiatives, this is what he has done, notably through important reforms that have enabled both to sustain our solidarity system but also to guarantee more equity between wage and self-employed workers. Improving purchasing power and harmonising pension schemes are the two constituent acts of the bill we are dealing with.

As is already the case for employee-functionary couples, we give the right to self-employed couples to also claim a household rate pension if it is more advantageous than the cumulative isolated pensions. Thus, we allow, thanks to the action of the Minister of Independents, Denis Ducarme, not only to improve the social rights of independent workers but also to substantially increase the purchasing power of pensioners. Now this injustice is corrected for more than 30,000 self-employed married to a retired civil servant.

For these different reasons, we find it primary to support this initiative of Minister Ducarme and we invite you to vote in favour of this text.

Ministre Denis Ducarme

Mr. Speaker, dear colleagues, this proposal, which received the unanimity of the votes expressed in committees, is the image of what we wanted to do for the independent throughout this legislature, that is, to remedy a number of social injustices from which the independent suffered in relation to the other categories.

This proposal goes in this direction, as the aim is to make it possible to grant a household rate pension for couples composed of a self-employed and an official. This was not possible in other situations. This will help a number of self-employed and pensioners. This will increase the purchasing power of these households significantly.