Proposition de résolution relative à la publicité des opérations et exercices militaires belges à l'étranger.
General information ¶
- Authors
Fernandez Fernandez,
Vooruit Alain Top - Submission date
- Feb. 15, 2017
- Official page
- Visit
- Status
- Rejected
- Requirement
- Simple
- Subjects
- defence policy resolution of parliament parliamentary scrutiny forces abroad
Voting ¶
- Voted to adopt
- CD&V Open Vld N-VA LDD MR
- Voted to reject
- Groen Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP PVDA | PTB PP
- Abstained from voting
- ∉ VB
Party dissidents ¶
- Olivier Maingain (MR) voted to reject.
Contact form ¶
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Discussion ¶
Nov. 16, 2017 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)
Full source
Stéphane Crusnière PS | SP ⚙
Mr. Speaker, I take advantage of the opportunity provided by our Rules of Procedure to bring this text back to the plenary session.
This text was rejected in an unexplained and inexplicable manner by the majority. Indeed, while the government last week validated its 2018 Defence Operations Plan, our text simply required to systematically attach to the general policy note of the Minister of Defence the plan of military operations for the coming year, as well as to publish all public information of the plan of operations submitted to the House on the Defence website and to update the information whenever it is relevant. Neither more nor less.
Meanwhile, the House still does not have this 2018 plan. It seems to me incomprehensible that the Minister of Defense does not systematically, as often in the past, attach the plan of operations for the following year to his general policy note, which we will discuss next week in committee. Furthermore, it is not for us to disclose sensitive information relating to the planning of Belgian military operations and exercises. It is, however, essential that the public information communicated to the House be at least as widely as possible accessible, disseminated and above all updated for the general public through in particular the military website.
I hope to be able to count on your support because it is still appealing that despite the fact that this text has been presented on our banks and that I have questioned the minister many times, the Defense website has still not changed anything in this matter in terms of transparency and updating.
Today, the House has still not received this plan despite the mail from my group leader who, as every year now, had to expressly request it, while it should be automatic if this text is adopted by our assembly.