Proposition 54K2027

Logo (Chamber of representatives)

Projet de loi modifiant diverses dispositions relatives au statut des militaires.

General information

Submitted by
MR Swedish coalition
Submission date
Sept. 9, 2016
Official page
professional career occupational status armed forces reserve army military personnel simplification of legislation


Voted to adopt
Abstained from voting
Groen Vooruit Ecolo PS | SP PVDA | PTB PP

Party dissidents

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Oct. 20, 2016 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Rapporteur Peter Buysrogge

Mr. Speaker, Mr. Minister, Colleagues, I do not want to take away the enthusiasm of this assembly, but I intend to publish a brief report of the discussion of the present bill in the Committee for Lands Defense of 5 October.

In his introduction, the Minister stated that this bill had a three-part purpose. First, make some purely terminological and technical changes to the various laws concerning military personnel. Second, several provisions align with the amended provisions of the 2007 Act. Third, implement a number of administrative simplifications.

During the general discussion, Mr Pirlot of the PS group refrained because, in his opinion, there is still uncertainty about the future of the army and the statutes of the military.

Mr Thiéry of the MR group said that he can find himself in the whole and is of the opinion that it will be possible for certain highly specialised functions to remain in the reserve framework or to be re-included beyond the 65-year limit. In addition, he found the encouragement of personnel mobility between military forces a positive evolution.

Mr Top of the sp.a-fraction believed that the bill contains a lot of good elements, but stated that the sp.a-fraction would abstain at the vote.

Ms. Hufkens of the N-VA group said that this bill contributes to the steady modernization of the Belgian army. In addition, she also believed that staff should be properly informed about their legal status.

Minister Vandeput stressed that it is a purely technical bill. In addition, he emphasized five elements. First, the statute is not abolished, but neither extended. Secondly, the legal obligation to offer a meal to applicants is abolished due to the low effective use, in order to prevent such a form of waste. Third, the 2017 recruitment campaign will pay special attention to female candidates. A study was also ordered to make the army more attractive for women in the future. Fourth, this bill was thoroughly discussed with the trade unions. This bill also takes their approval away. Fifth, staff will be duly informed about their rights.

Mr. Speaker, colleagues, during the article-by-article discussion there was another interesting exchange of ideas between Mr. Top and the Minister on whether or not to offer a meal free of charge to the applicants.

Finally, the entire draft law, including a number of technical improvements and the Annex, was adopted with 10 votes in favor and 4 abstentions.