Proposition 54K1366

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Projet de loi retirant l'article 96 de la loi du 26 décembre 2013 concernant l'introduction d'un statut unique entre ouvriers et employés en ce qui concerne les délais de préavis et le jour de carence ainsi que de mesures d'accompagnement et modifiant l'article 40 de la loi du 4 août 1996 relative au bien-être des travailleurs lors de l'exécution de leur travail.

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Submitted by
MR Swedish coalition
Submission date
Oct. 9, 2015
Official page
work labour law occupational safety working conditions financing


Voted to adopt
Groen CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP DéFI Open Vld N-VA LDD MR PVDA | PTB PP VB

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Nov. 19, 2015 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Rapporteur Stéphanie Thoron

I refer to this in my written report.

Catherine Fonck LE

This proposal enables the implementation of the views of the social partners. We will vote positively.

I would like to ask the Government what the content and procedure of the Royal Decree is. This is an essential element for the sector.

Staatssecretaris Theo Francken

Mr. Speaker, I understand that it may be a game to ask the government’s answer now. To be honest, I don’t have the answer right away.

Per ⁇ you can ask the competent minister to come?

President Siegfried Bracke

The Minister was asked to come.

Staatssecretaris Theo Francken

It is, of course, easy to ask the government’s response now. The Minister of Foreign Affairs has written to us about Taiwan and I can answer questions in this regard. However, one cannot expect me to be able to answer everything.

You have to stay a little serious. Day and night I am dealing with the asylum crisis. Today I am waiting and I have to sit here. You can play games, but it is better that the competent minister is asked to answer.

Catherine Fonck LE

The fact that the government determines that or that minister to be represented does not pose any problem to me. I consider then that the minister who represents the government is able to answer the questions and knows enough of the matter to do so.

In this regard, I would like to recognize the correction of the opposition. I will not go further. In any case, I take note that the present Minister is not able to answer the questions. My question raises a major issue for sectors. From this royal decree that was awaiting depends the viability of the prevention services sector. However, this sector has raised significant concerns. A second reality in this case is that schools will see their tariffs more than double for these services. However, it is fundamental to be extremely vigilant to ensure the sustainability of the prevention services sector and to be careful that all schools, wherever they are, in the north or south of the country, do not find themselves with an extra financial burden too large because, as you know, dear colleagues, schools do not run on gold.

Beyond the fact that the Government is represented but does not assume in terms of the competence of the matters, Mr. Secretary of State, it seems to me ⁇ important that this dossier can be forwarded to the Government and the Minister concerned.

Staatssecretaris Theo Francken

Mr. Speaker, I understand very well that it is pleasant to ask my opinion on the tourist miniature train trails.

I am indeed sitting here on behalf of the government, but I have not read or studied the 17 drafts. We are in a time of crisis, both due to migration and the terrorist attacks. I was asked to be on guard. That’s not new, when you were a minister with other people in the hall, you played that role as well. This week I am here to defend things.

If you have any questions, please call the competent minister. You can ask that. A member of Parliament may request that the minister responsible for the subject come to the House. If you ask that, then the Minister comes here and can give you content-perfect answers. Now a game is being played about the position of the government but, frankly, I think there are other priorities currently playing with the population. Of course, you can always ask the competent minister to come answers to your question.

President Siegfried Bracke

We did that, Mr Francken. The Minister is on the way.

Vincent Van Quickenborne Open Vld

Mrs. Fonck, we have, of course, had a debate on this in the committee. What we do here today, colleagues, is to provide a legal basis for a KB to be drawn up by the Minister. That is the first thing we do. We are not setting the criteria today. The KB will be prepared by the Minister.

Ms. Fonck, between the voting on the law and the drafting of the KB, you will still have the time and the opportunity to ask questions to the Minister on this subject. If the minister is present later, that is not a problem for me, but it is not that it is decided today on what you are asking here, Mrs. Fonck.

This for clarification.

Georges Gilkinet Ecolo

Mr. Speaker, I think Ms. Fonck’s question is entirely legitimate. We have done legislative work until the end.

(Minister Kris Peeters enters the Parliament)

I cannot accept the response of the representative of the government. He cannot dismiss parliamentarians in this way by saying that he has other emergencies to deal with. We can thank Mr. Peeters to be rushed to answer us, but I wish the type of response we received from Secretary of State Mr. Peeters. Francken does not become the norm in the head of government.

It is not acceptable that a legitimate question of a member is answered in this way.

Catherine Fonck LE

Mr. President, Mr. Minister, I did not send you back but obviously, the President reminded you.

May you understand what you are falling into, since you arrive at the moment! I explain to you. The member who represented the government, and I have no problem with any member of the government representing this one, packed me up and told me that he did not know how to answer my question and that it was not his problem. When a member of the government is present, he must assume.

That being said, I didn’t want to make it a fountain, or make you come back. You came back in the meantime. I asked your colleague to insist on you. I would like to repeat my message.

This bill translates the agreement of the social partners and I have no problem with that.

Mr. Van Quickenborne, you suffer, but if it's like for the flexi-jobs for those for whom it is necessary to repair the law after coup and on us this that we aircraft reason, it's a little easy! (Brouhaha is)

Vincent Van Quickenborne Open Vld

The [...]

Catherine Fonck LE

The non-verbal sometimes weighs more than all the words in the world, Mr. Van Quickenborne. It means a lot in politics, at least.

This bill translates into an agreement of the social partners, but in addition to this bill, an extremely important royal decree will be promulgated. Today, compared to this future royal decree, which must already be very advanced, which is why we cannot afford to delay this debate sine die, there are two considerable issues.

The first concerns the sustainability of the prevention services sector. Indeed, this sector has raised a number of non-substantial concerns regarding the content of the future royal decree. If I would like to hear you about this, if you would like to make a few comments, I would especially like to urge you to have contacts with this sector.

The second issue concerns schools. They made budget projections based on the different levels of pricing, which are five. Of course, the cost of these services will more than double.

Per ⁇ at a macro level, this doesn’t mean much for the government, but let’s recognize that for schools that are in a difficult financial situation, the impact will be extremely significant if the cost of services is doubled as a result of these legislative changes and especially the royal decree.

Also, it seems to me that, in the head of the government, your responsibility is to be able to preserve not only the financial situation of the schools but also the prevention services sector.

Ministre Kris Peeters

Mr. Speaker, dear colleagues, Mrs. Fonck, as regards the draft Royal Decree, you are right, its content is very important. I am willing to discuss this in the committee when it is ready. I hope we can find a consensus.

He emphasized the importance of schools. I understand your concern very well. I have already said that schools would be in category 1, which is the one whose price is the lowest. But the service package is also larger than before. That is why it is reasonable that schools pay a higher amount than before because the number of services is greater. I also understand that the budget is important for the school sector.

Finally, we will carry out a monitoring to evaluate the different elements. After a year, we can change what is problematic in some sectors.

For me, the royal decree is not a problem. When the chairman of the committee gives his agreement, we will be able to discuss it as soon as this decision is ready, as soon as possible.

Regarding your second question, I understand your argument. We will check this and set the amounts, especially for schools.

Vincent Van Quickenborne Open Vld

Mr. Speaker, I propose that the topic should be further deepened during the committee meeting on 2 December, where the policy note of Minister Peeters and the budget for next year will be discussed. I just said that.

Catherine Fonck LE

I would like to thank you for joining us, but also for the information you have provided.

I would also like to thank you for your proposal for review. But to be honest with you, what matters to me is not that parliamentarians are informed, what matters to me is that, in the end, sectors are not penalized. Indeed, in my view, the priority is that you take the time to meet with the sectors concerned in order to measure exactly the impact of what this will have in terms of budget.

Schools are classified in category 1 and the price is the lowest. For some schools, this will be more than twice the current cost. I can hear that there will be additional services. However, it is likely that some schools will be “destroyed”. So you need to measure the impacts well and consider the progress that could eventually be made.

That said, monitoring is ⁇ an interesting element, but you know as well as I do that it will not be able to intervene before six months or even a year. Meanwhile, schools in both the north and south of the country are at risk of being in a difficult situation.