Proposition 53K1166

Logo (Chamber of representatives)

Proposition de résolution relative à l'arrestation et à la libération du journaliste belge, Serge Dumont, enlevé en Egypte.

General information

CD&V Peter Luykx, Stefaan Vercamer
Ecolo Juliette Boulet
Groen Wouter De Vriendt
LE Catherine Fonck
MR Daniel Bacquelaine
Open Vld Herman De Croo
PS | SP Thierry Giet, Yvan Mayeur
Vooruit Dirk Van der Maelen
Submission date
Feb. 3, 2011
Official page
Egypt communications profession foreign policy resolution of parliament freedom of the press political violence


Voted to adopt
Groen CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP Open Vld N-VA LDD MR VB

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March 3, 2011 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Rapporteur Christiane Vienne

I refer to this in my written report.

President André Flahaut

I apologize, Mr. Blanchart, but in the order of the registered, I now have Mr. Herman De Croo in first position.

Herman De Croo Open Vld

Mr. Speaker, colleagues, one could rightly argue that this resolution is overlooked. I would say, fortunately. However, I ask for a few moments of your attention to say that this is a typical case of what can happen to journalists there. What we know about what is happening there is passed on to us by the women and men who report on the spot. One could also say that there is a kind of CNN’ization in the world or another radio or television definition of what the fact is. If one does not know it, it does not exist for many of us, and then we cannot act in the good sense. If one knows it, then it is due to the journalists, the people who do their work there in sometimes difficult circumstances.

The resolution that we have approved in the committee and that we will approve today in the House is not overlooked in this sense, because it is typical and topical for what can happen there through the reporting.

I am ⁇ shocked by the things we read every day. In one of those states, not so far away from the state we are talking about, ministers are beaten down because they may oppose a legislation that would severely condemn blasphemy. We can only know and feel that information if the press can give information freely or as freely as possible.

This resolution is a kind of tribute to the many women and men who have fallen by wanting to provide the reporting with which we can form our opinion. That is why I hope to see this resolution adopted with great unanimity and attention.

François-Xavier de Donnea MR

I give up my speech time and join the excellent speech of Mr. President. by Croo.

President André Flahaut

I share your opinion.

Philippe Blanchart PS | SP

First of all, I would like to apologize to our colleague Yvan Mayeur who had to leave urgently for personal reasons.

That is why I am referring here to this proposal for a resolution calling for the release of our compatriot Serge Dumont, a release that fortunately took place in the meantime.

In view of the events in Egypt and the rest of the Arab world, this resolution comes as a recognition of the formidable and firm work of the Belgian government and Foreign Affairs, who have done everything to lead to his swift release. I think this is worth emphasizing.

This resolution refers more broadly to the work of journalists who risk their lives to inform us in times of war or revolution. Their work is essential so that truth breaks out in the eyes of the world as local populations often experience censorship.

Since the beginning of this year, Reporters Without Borders has recorded more than six journalists killed in the exercise of their duties. Journalists present in this region of the world where popular movements are gaining ever-increasing scale continue to be subject to severe pressures and violence that are completely unacceptable.

We must absolutely condemn all forms of intimidation and violence against those who defend freedom of expression and democratization in Egypt and in the region. Furthermore, support for the democratization process in a European framework is necessary. Democracy goes absolutely through the freedom of the press, through its role as a vector of freedom of expression and information.

President: André Flahaut, President

President: André Flahaut, President