Proposition 51K1922

Logo (Chamber of representatives)

Projet de loi portant des dispositions diverses.

General information

MR Charles Michel, François-Xavier de Donnea
Open Vld Bart Tommelein
PS | SP Thierry Giet
Vooruit Dirk Van der Maelen
Submission date
July 7, 2005
Official page
excise duty occupational disease energy policy indirect tax environmental policy social-security contribution social security health insurance


Voted to adopt
Vooruit PS | SP Open Vld MR
Voted to reject
CD&V Ecolo LE VB
Abstained from voting

Party dissidents

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July 13, 2005 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Rapporteur Greet Van Gool

Do you allow me to report on my bank?

I would like to report on Articles 5 to 14 of the bill containing various provisions, submitted on 12 July 2005. As you know, in the plenary session last week on Thursday, it was decided to deal with this bill with urgency.

The Social Affairs Committee met on Friday 8 July. During this meeting we discussed Articles 5 to 14, which deal with pensions and social affairs.

Despite the agreement in the plenary session on the procedure for this bill, Mr Goutry nevertheless expressed his amazement at this sudden parliamentary initiative. Therefore, in his own way, he has spoken to the members of the committee for a long time about the procedure. Then the bill was initiated by Mr. Charles Michel, who had joined the bill, by signing it.

In his introduction, he clarified that the provisions on pensions are primarily aimed at abolishing the voluntary insured scheme, since that scheme has already been largely abolished by earlier laws and what remains of it has gone unused.

The following provisions relate to alternative financing of social security. A number of measures are proposed to ensure the financial balance in the overall management of social security. In particular, three measures were taken. First, the surplus value recovered on 31 December 2004 from the real estate of the Riksdienst für Pensionen is transferred to the global management. Secondly, the state contribution due for the interests incurred before 1 January 1994 is charged to the legal capitalization system. Finally, the indexation of interest rates is also borne by the capitalization system.

In the general discussion, especially colleague Goutry took the floor. He asked whether the proposed measures are structural measures. The alternative financing would, in fact, constitute a gradual shift from labour burdens to other burdens, but it would not have a structural character and would therefore be problematic.

The Chairman of the Committee, Mr. Bonte, in his response, recalled that the alternative financing of social security has been expanded since 1993 and has been expanded to finance sources such as energy and consumption, an aspect that he, like colleague Goutry, has advocated. It may be that the measures proposed by the bill may not have a structural character, but it is precisely one of the tasks of the social consultation, which colleague Bonte, like colleague Goutry, supports, to come through that consultation to more structural solutions in the financing of social security.

The measures now proposed with this bill express or implement the aspiration of the applicants not to let the social security budget be depleted in anticipation of more structural solutions to be submitted by the social partners. Their

Finally, colleague Goutry had a number of punctual questions that were addressed in the article-based discussion. Their

Articles 5 and 6 were adopted by 10 votes against 1.

Articles 7 to 14 were adopted with 10 votes for and 1 abstinence.

All articles submitted to the Social Affairs Committee are adopted by 10 votes against