Proposition 50K0588

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Projet de loi modifiant, en ce qui concerne la cotisation due par les employeurs pour le chômage résultant de causes économiques, la loi du 29 juin 1981 établissant les principes généraux de la sécurité sociale des travailleurs salariés.

General information

Submitted by
Groen Open Vld Vooruit PS | SP Ecolo MR Verhofstadt Ⅰ
Submission date
April 21, 2000
Official page
social security unemployment


Voted to adopt
Groen Ecolo PS | SP Open Vld MR
Abstained from voting

Party dissidents

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May 25, 2000 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Rapporteur Jan Peeters

I refer to the written report.

Greta D'hondt CD&V

Mr. Speaker, Mr. Minister, Mr. Minister, Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to make two comments, on the one hand, on the procedure and on the other, on the substance. Mr. Speaker, we have noted in the Committee, regarding the procedure, that the Government is asking for an urgent procedure in which it invokes the provisions of Article 80 of the Constitution. The Governing Committee of the RJV and RVA delivered opinions on 14 July 1999 and 3 September 1999. The government left this possibility for legislative work out for eight months and now appeals to the high urgency. This is not correct in view of the work of the House. Basically, the CVP fully agrees with the obligation of employers to use the temporary unemployment instrument improperly for economic reasons. Temporary unemployment should not be reduced to structural unemployment, temporary work or part-time work. However, we do not agree with the criteria used by the government in this bill to determine illegal use. We have already said this in the committee. After approval of this bill, employers will have to pay an additional contribution of 60 francs per employee per day of unemployment for every day of unemployment exceeding 10%. The approval of this bill means that on an average of 220 working days already from the 23th day of unemployment, it is judged that the temporary unemployment is being misused for economic reasons. The minister replied that, for example, for the garment industry, 479 of the 826 companies will have to pay an additional contribution of an average of 43,500 francs after the approval of this bill. In the construction industry, 6,981 of the 26,175 companies will have to pay an average of 13,116 francs. Mr. Speaker, Mrs. Minister, Mr. Minister, colleagues, I fear that the adoption of this bill will not so much promote the responsibilisation or, given the criteria used, will lead to the reduction of the buffer for employees with an indefinite contract employed by the companies that will be converted into temporary contracts or temporary employment. This is not a good legislative work. We would have approved this responsibilisation if more realism had been shown in determining the threshold for the irresponsible use of temporary unemployment for economic reasons. For these reasons, the CVP group will not vote against the responsibilisation because it likes it, but will abstain because this government does not demonstrate sufficient field knowledge in handling the criteria.