Proposition 54K3587

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Projet de loi ouvrant des crédits provisoires pour les mois d'avril, mai, juin et juillet 2019.

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Submitted by
MR Swedish coalition
Submission date
Feb. 21, 2018
Official page
budget national budget provisional twelfth


Voted to adopt
Groen CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP Open Vld N-VA MR PVDA | PTB PP
Voted to reject
Abstained from voting

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March 21, 2019 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

President Siegfried Bracke

Mr Calomne and Mr Laaouej refer to the written report.

Benoît Piedboeuf MR

This is a technical project that allows the State to continue its activities. Therefore, it is a perfectly responsible project that ensures all the necessary payments and those that would be made by regulations or legal obligations.

In addition – and it is not technical – this project allows the government to do what it had announced, that is, to make the well-being envelope 100% usable. The welfare envelope was of course included in the 2019 budget, which was not voted. It was therefore fundamental to find a solution and the Minister of Budget and his collaborators, in partnership with the Court of Auditors, found the solution that allows the welfare envelope to deploy. 358 million euros are distributed between wage workers (277 million), self-employed workers (41 million) and social workers (40 million).

It was therefore very important that this welfare envelope could be put into action. This will be done within the scheduled timeframe. We will ⁇ support this bill.

Eric Van Rompuy CD&V

Mr. Speaker, our group supports this draft of provisional appropriations.

It is good that we do this on time. This guarantees the continuity of the state for four months.

As colleague Piedboeuf said, we insisted, in the vote on the first provisional appropriations in December, that the wealth envelope of 360 million euros be available. This was promised in the social consultation.This is now being made possible. The law on the provisional credits creates the space to allocate the wealth envelope. Thus, the commitments made with respect to persons with low benefits can be realized.

We will therefore support the draft of provisional credits. One should not be enthusiastic about it, it is an emergency law for four months, but with this, the government and Parliament have held the word in relation to the social partners.

Georges Gilkinet Ecolo

Our group, although not in any way responsible for the situation of the resigning government and although sitting, until May 26, in the opposition, has decided to support the vote of the provisional twelve.

Marcel Cheron Ecolo

Will we sit there until then?

Georges Gilkinet Ecolo

Indeed, we are concerned with the continuity of the State and the service to be rendered to the citizens.

Our opinion does not change, however, on the initial budget for 2018, which we had strongly criticized and which serves as the basis for these provisional twelve. These second – or ⁇ second – provisional twelfths, which are voted today, contain, as the Minister and the Government had committed, the authorisations to implement the agreement reached between the social partners regarding the raising of the lowest social benefits, as provided by law. I would like to thank the government and the minister for this, even if it is the slightest of things than applying a law.

I would like to ask again the Minister who was in the technical incapacity to answer me when I asked her the question in commission. What are the steps and what are the government’s commitments on the allocation of these envelopes? Doing your job as Budget Minister and providing the necessary envelopes for the link to well-being is one thing. Another thing is to provide for the legislative acts or decrees necessary for these means to be allocated, in the particular context of this end of the legislature. Has this been discussed at the government level? Can the Minister give us any indications as to the timetable of this decision?

Ministre Sophie Wilmès

Mijnheer de voorzitter, Mr. Gilkinet, I thank you for your thanks.

Unfortunately, I can only answer what I answered you last time. We must first wait for the validation of the proposal of the AIP (Interprofessional Agreement). As long as the points are not validated by the different partners, I think it is premature to consider the next step.

I think of our discussions during the first discussion on the provisional twelve. Some questioned the supposed will of some or others not only to see the well-being envelope inscribed, but also to see it executed. I confirm to you that the will is full and complete. Depending on the return of the different partners, each Minister, within its respective competences, will, if necessary, submit the necessary acts.

Georges Gilkinet Ecolo

Mr. Speaker, Mrs. Minister, I thank you once again for your thanks following my thanks.

I take note of your response. It is true that we are waiting for the final position of the social partners, at least from their base, regarding this agreement that intervened on the increase of the minimum social benefits.

I express the wish and hope that the agreement can, on this part as well as on the other parts, be applied in an integral way. Last week we had a discussion with the Prime Minister on the aspect of pensions. It appears that I had to understand from his response that the minister and the government would stick to the agreement of the social partners, which is our wish in this regard.

I can confirm that the Ecolo-Groen Group will be attentive until the final decision to ensure that this agreement is properly implemented by the minority government in current affairs, and if necessary, if necessary, by Parliament.