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Logo (Chamber of representatives)

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plenum van 2019-03-21 14:20:00+00:00 in Chamber of representatives
Chamber of representatives

You are currently viewing the advanced reviewing page for this source file. You'll note that the layout of the website is less user-friendly than the rest of Demobel. This is on purpose, because it allows people to voluntarily review and correct the translations of the source files. Its goal is not to convey information, but to validate it. If that's not your goal, I'd recommend you to click on one of the propositions that you can find in the table below. But otherwise, feel free to roam around!

Propositions that were discussed

Code Date Adopted Title
54K3456 11/01/2019 Proposition de loi modifiant le Code de droit économique en ce qui concerne le recours à des licences obligatoires pour les médicaments.
54K3340 12/11/2018 Projet de loi établissant un cadre pour la sécurité des réseaux et des systèmes d'information d'intérêt général pour la sécurité publique.
54K1367 09/10/2015 Proposition de résolution relative aux perturbateurs endocriniens.
54K3336 22/10/2018 Projet de loi portant modification de la loi du 15 avril 1994 relative à la protection de la population et de l'environnement contre les dangers résultant des rayonnements ionisants et relative à l'Agence fédérale de Contrôle nucléaire concernant la cybersécurité nucléaire.
54K3510 04/02/2019 Projet de loi portant assentiment à la Convention multilatérale pour la mise en oeuvre des mesures relatives aux conventions fiscales pour prévenir l'érosion de la base d'imposition et le transfert de bénéfices et à la Note explicative, faites à Paris le 24 novembre 2016.
54K3555 14/02/2019 Projet de loi portant des dispositions en matière de remboursement des spécialités pharmaceutiques ainsi que de frais d'administration, d'efficacité et de transparence des organismes assureurs.
54K2299 07/02/2017 Proposition de loi modifiant les lois du 18 juillet 1966 sur l'emploi des langues en matière administrative en ce qui concerne la surveillance de l'exécution de ces lois.
54K3551 13/02/2019 Projet de loi portant dispositions diverses en matière d'agriculture, concernant certains fonds budgétaires et en matière d'intégration sociale.
54K3587 21/02/2018 Projet de loi ouvrant des crédits provisoires pour les mois d'avril, mai, juin et juillet 2019.
54K3078 04/05/2018 Projet de loi visant à étendre le tax shelter à l'industrie du jeu video.


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ID German French English Esperanto Spanish Dutch


Official text

Translated text


Official text

Translated text


Official text

Translated text


Official text

Translated text


Official text

Translated text


Official text

Translated text

#6 | No English translation available to review yet.

#7 | No English translation available to review yet.

#8 | No English translation available to review yet.

#9 | No English translation available to review yet.

#10 | No English translation available to review yet.

#11 | No English translation available to review yet.

#12 | No English translation available to review yet.

#13 | No English translation available to review yet.

#14 | No English translation available to review yet.

#15 | No English translation available to review yet.

#16 | No English translation available to review yet.

#17 | No English translation available to review yet.

#18 | No English translation available to review yet.

#19 | No English translation available to review yet.

#20 | No English translation available to review yet.

#21 | No English translation available to review yet.

#22 | No English translation available to review yet.

#23 | No English translation available to review yet.

#24 | No English translation available to review yet.

#25 | No English translation available to review yet.

#26 | No English translation available to review yet.

#27 | No English translation available to review yet.

#28 | No English translation available to review yet.

#29 | No English translation available to review yet.

#30 | No English translation available to review yet.

#31 | No English translation available to review yet.

#32 | No English translation available to review yet.

#33 | No English translation available to review yet.

#34 | No English translation available to review yet.

#35 | No English translation available to review yet.

#36 | No English translation available to review yet.

#37 | No English translation available to review yet.

#38 | No English translation available to review yet.

#39 | No English translation available to review yet.

#40 | No English translation available to review yet.

#41 | No English translation available to review yet.

#42 | No English translation available to review yet.

#43 | No English translation available to review yet.

#44 | No English translation available to review yet.

#45 | No English translation available to review yet.

#46 | No English translation available to review yet.

#47 | No English translation available to review yet.

#48 | No English translation available to review yet.

#49 | No English translation available to review yet.