Projet de loi modifiant la loi du 7 décembre 1998 organisant un service de police intégré, structuré à deux niveaux, en ce qui concerne la téléréunion.
General information ¶
- Authors
- N-VA Koenraad Degroote, Koen Metsu, Brecht Vermeulen
- Submission date
- Jan. 17, 2017
- Official page
- Visit
- Status
- Adopted
- Requirement
- Simple
- Subjects
- administrative structures decision-making electronic government electronic mail police video communications
Voting ¶
- Voted to adopt
- Groen CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP DéFI ∉ Open Vld N-VA MR PVDA | PTB PP VB
Contact form ¶
Do you have a question or request regarding this proposition? Select the most appropriate option for your request and I will get back to you shortly.
Discussion ¶
June 21, 2018 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)
Full source
President Siegfried Bracke ⚙
Mrs Sybille de Coster-Bauchau, rapporteur, refers to the written report.
Koenraad Degroote N-VA ⚙
With this proposal, police colleges, but not police councils, can now also meet electronically, as was made possible several months ago for emergency zones.
A very important condition is that all members of the college agree to this way of working. A number of colleagues were concerned that there would be only exclusively virtual meetings. Thanks to the agreement, this concern is addressed.
Several organizations, such as the Association of Flemish Cities and Municipalities, were the requesting party for the electronic meeting. The emergency zones, which have already introduced the electronic meetings, are praised for the measure.
The proposal was adopted unanimously with one abstinence. I will count on a majority later.