Proposition 54K1603

Logo (Chamber of representatives)

Proposition de loi modifiant le Code civil et le Code de droit économique, visant à lutter contre l'obsolescence programmée.

General information

LE Benoît Lutgen, Vanessa Matz, Michel de Lamotte
Submission date
Jan. 22, 2016
Official page
consumer protection civil law consumer information consumer goods guarantee product quality product life


Voted to adopt
CD&V Open Vld N-VA MR
Voted to reject
Groen Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP PVDA | PTB
Abstained from voting

Party dissidents

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March 15, 2018 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Michel de Lamotte LE

Mr. Speaker, I will speak from my bank, with your permission, on the text that we have already widely discussed. I would like to put a number of things back to the point.

From the beginning, I want to tell you that if you reject this proposal, it is obviously the failure of a whole policy towards consumers and a certain number of citizens.

I promptly remind you, since my speaking time is limited, that it was about setting up the obligation for manufacturers to display the expected life span for normal use of their products. To oblige manufacturers to guarantee the product during this lifetime with a minimum of two years. The legal warranty for used products is also extended to two years. The reversal of the burden of proof against the consumer would take place after two years instead of six months. The organization of planned obsolescence must be sanctioned and prohibited with Level 6 sanctions. There is also a ban on premature obsolescence with level 4 penalties. That there is an obligation to provide pre-contractual information on the repairable character of the product and to indicate on the packaging whether the goods are repairable or not. The pre-contractual obligation to provide information on the availability of spare parts and the liability of manufacturers and importers to ensure the availability of spare parts throughout the life of the product at a reasonable price. The reasonable nature of the price shall be determined by a royal decree.

The text, which was rejected in the committee and which was not debated today, since it was the proposal for a resolution in the previous debate, is a text that helped protect consumers, protect the environment, produce less waste and create jobs.

If you prepare to reject this text, you will be liable to future generations for what you have done. So I leave you today, with the proposal that was rejected in the committee, the full and entire responsibility for your vote because we will all be judged, by future generations, on decisions like this, which we did not dare to take.