Proposition 53K2571

Logo (Chamber of representatives)

Projet de loi portant des dispositions diverses urgentes.

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Submitted by
PS | SP the Di Rupo government
Submission date
Dec. 13, 2012
Official page
food inspection financing packaging product food safety public health


Voted to adopt
Groen CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP Open Vld N-VA MR
Abstained from voting

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Dec. 19, 2012 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Rapporteur Valérie Warzée-Caverenne

This bill provides for an adjustment of the distribution of the amount of contributions between sectors, taking into account the latest available economic data as well as the new frequencies of inspections included in the AFSCA business plan for the period 2012-2014. These data evolve over the years and Minister Sabine Laruelle thus considers it necessary to regularly update the amount of contributions in order to respect this distribution.

In addition, these amounts have not changed for four years.

The other changes concern the following.

- The creation of a special section for the manufacturing sector of food packaging, which is currently taken over in the processing sector.

- The disappearance of the term "majoration" which unnecessarily generates complaints from operators who do not understand why they receive an invoice with majoration while a favorable control had just been carried out at their home.

The reformulation of certain provisions in order to facilitate their reading and understanding.

As Minister Laruelle explained yesterday in a committee, this bill results from the transformation of a royal decree amending the royal decree of 10 November 2005 and follows a comment of the State Council on the form. During the general discussion, Ms. Snoy first questioned the form. Regarding the amendments made, the Minister confirmed to Ms Schyns that the sector concerned had been questioned prior to the filing of the bill and that it was also at her request that the text provided for a separation of the packaging sector and the processing sector. This was followed by an exchange between Ms. Snoy and the Minister on the consideration of risk as a factor in the contributions due to AFSCA.

The government hopes that this project can be approved by our parliament and that it comes into effect from January 1 next year.

Another point has been added to the discussion. In fact, an amendment was filed by Ms. Schyns et consorts in order to introduce in the bill a new chapter concerning the support of diffuse traffic and combined transport in Belgium for the months of January and February 2013. by Mr. Hans Bonte, chairman of the committee, accepted that the amendment be declared admissible but insisted on the exceptional nature of this fact, the matter whose subject does not fall within the competence of his committee.

For Schyns, the challenges lie in the Belgian economy, road safety, mobility and sustainable development.

As Ms. Snoy pointed out, legislation needs to be made urgently so that subsidies are not interrupted. Ms. De Ridder does not endorse the procedure, but has nevertheless confirmed the support of her group on the substance. by Mr. Waterschoot also expressed its support for the amendment.

by Mr. Secretary of State Melchior Wathelet justified the delay in the drafting of the regulation by the fact that he is currently preparing a comprehensive system reform, in collaboration with the ports and the Regions. He then responded to a few requests for additional explanations on the regulations for the port of Antwerp and notifications from the European Commission. Finally, he said that he believes that a two-month extension is necessary in anticipation of a thorough reform.

Members of the committee voted. Articles 1 to 8 and Articles 9 to 23 referred to in the amendment were adopted unanimously. Annexes 1 to 8 were adopted by 12 votes and one abstention.