Proposition 53K1245

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Proposition de résolution relative à l'aide fournie par la Belgique en vue de porter à 30% l'objectif européen de réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre d'ici 2020.

General information

Ecolo Éric Jadot
Groen Kristof Calvo
MR David Clarinval
Open Vld Willem-Frederik Schiltz
Vooruit Bruno Tobback
Submission date
Feb. 22, 2011
Official page
greenhouse gas air quality environmental protection resolution of parliament reduction of gas emissions


Voted to adopt
Groen Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP Open Vld MR
Voted to reject

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March 24, 2011 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Rapporteur Thérèse Snoy et d'Oppuers

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We demand that the European Union set itself a goal of reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 30%. In December 2008, a European Union Energy/Climate package had already been approved. The target was to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20% by 2020. This target could be raised to 30 percent as part of a comprehensive agreement. However, no global agreement has been reached since. Discussions on this issue are ongoing at EU level. If we want to revise the targets upwards, it is mainly because the 20% reduction target is already practically achieved.

A number of Member States, such as the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Denmark and Spain, have taken a clear position before and after the Cancun Summit.

The resolution submitted by Mr. Calvo and Clarinval and other signatories aim to make the Belgian position clearer. Until now, there has been a lack of clarity. The federal minister is in favour of a 30% reduction in CO2 emissions. by Mr. Calvo noted that the Flemish minister is also willing to continue the collaboration and to initiate the debate on a further reduction. In this case, a parliamentary initiative could therefore help send a strong signal both to the Regions and to our European partners.

In the discussion, Mr. Schiltz, on behalf of the Open Vld, who fully supports the draft resolution, believes that there is no incompatibility between liberal ideology and environmental concerns.

by Mr. Schiltz has, on behalf of its group, submitted an amendment to distinguish in the resolution between sectors that have so far already made significant efforts in reducing greenhouse gases and those that still have a lot to do in this regard.

On behalf of the N-VA, Mr. Wollants pointed out that the federal competence in this matter is minimal. He regretted that the federal authority adopted a point of view without prior consultation with the Regions. He mentioned the Cooperation Agreement of 14 November 2002 between the Federal State and the Regions. The agreement provides for the creation of a national climate committee. The N-VA submitted an amendment to determine Belgium’s position by this national Climate Commission; this amendment was rejected.

On behalf of the PS, Mrs Lambert considered that a 30% reduction was ⁇ desirable. Compared to the 1990 situation, a 17% decrease has already been achieved. It believes that this reduction will stimulate economic and industrial innovation.

The MP has submitted three amendments. The first amendment proposes the introduction of a European tax on countries that do not take any steps to continue to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. A second amendment proposes to include the reduction of greenhouse gases in a policy focused on sustainable development; it is about taking into account the social consequences of combating greenhouse gas emissions. The Third Amendment requires that the reduction of greenhouse gases be achieved through measures within the European Union rather than by purchasing emission allowances. Two of these amendments were adopted: Amendment No. 2 was rejected.

On behalf of Ecolo Group, I personally emphasized the link between reducing greenhouse gas emissions and public health. According to a study by the Health & Environment Alliance, reducing greenhouse gas emissions would result in longer life expectancy, decreased respiratory-related diseases and asthma, savings on hospital costs, and decreased absence from work for medical reasons.

On behalf of CD&V, Ms. Muylle specified that her group wanted to maintain the current 20% target. A 30% reduction is only possible if other industrialized countries follow. She stressed the fact that the Belgian Federation of Enterprises was not at all in favour of a reinforcement of the objective. It thus considers that a 20% reduction is already ambitious given these factors.

On behalf of the Vlaams Belang, Ms. De Bont relativized the importance of European objectives, estimating that the industry had already made great efforts. She said her group would not follow this resolution.

On behalf of the CDH, Ms. Van Den Ende supported the proposal, also joining the public health arguments expressed by the Ecolo group. by Mr. Hans Bonte, President, on behalf of sp.a, also supported the draft resolution. He believed that the 2002 Cooperation Agreement and the obvious consultation with the Regions do not prevent the House of Representatives from formulating its own point of view and influencing the federal government by adopting a resolution.

Finally Mr. Clarinval also supported this resolution. He believed that this would be an important European signal, an important step towards a green economy. by Mr. Clarinval has submitted an amendment that will be adopted to take into account sectors that have already made a significant effort in terms of reduction: it was roughly the same amendment as Mr. Clarinval. by Schiltz.

Then the Minister's representative spoke, pointing out that the Minister agreed with this goal but that he believed that certain conditions must first be met and that in any case he could not go further on behalf of the government in current affairs. At the end of this very fruitful discussion, the draft resolution was adopted by ten votes against seven.

President André Flahaut

Dear colleagues, I allow myself to interrupt this discussion to return to the questions addressed to the Prime Minister.

