Proposition 51K2973

Logo (Chamber of representatives)

Proposition de résolution relative aux convictions politiques et religieuses de Nawal El Saadawi et aux menaces de mort qu'elles ont entraînées.

General information

CD&V Nathalie Muylle
Ecolo Zoé Genot
LE Brigitte Wiaux
MR Daniel Bacquelaine
Open Vld Hilde Vautmans
PS | SP Karine Lalieux
Vooruit Magda De Meyer, Annemie Roppe
Submission date
March 8, 2007
Official page
Egypt death penalty resolution of parliament human rights sexual mutilation


Voted to adopt
CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP Open Vld N-VA MR FN VB

Party dissidents

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April 26, 2007 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

President Herman De Croo

If I remember right, we had the honor of receiving Ms. El Saadawi here.

Rapporteur Maya Detiège

I will briefly discuss this issue, as it has been discussed in the committee on Tuesday.

The resolution addresses the suffering of Ms. Nawal El Saadawi and the death threats she receives. This resolution was submitted and supported in the committee primarily by the women among us, but also by, among others, colleague Cemal Cavdarli, who has given a whole explanation on female circumcision.

Specifically, on 28 February 2007, it became known that a highly authoritative Sunni Muslim spiritual, Sheikh Mohammed Sayed Tantawi, made a statement asking the Cairo Public Prosecutor to condemn Nawal El Saadawi. He accuses her under the Sharia of denial of faith because of a play published in Egypt that has been added to the list of forbidden literature.

The committee decided that the amended proposal was unanimously adopted.

President Herman De Croo

I was impressed by the conversations I had with this very respectable lady. I say that for the whole room.

Hilde Vautmans Open Vld

Mr. Speaker, colleagues, the figure of Nawal El Saadawi is, in fact, in this resolution for me the great reason to accuse women’s circumcision. In fact, we should talk about genital mutilation because what is done to those women is, of course, far more horrible than a male circumcision. With this resolution, we want to condemn the shocking lack of human rights, not only in Egypt, but throughout the world.

Colleagues, I think we can never get enough attention for women’s rights in the world. As a victim of genital mutilation, Nawal El Saadawi has really put this topic on the agenda. I am very pleased that we also follow this in this house. Female circumcision and genital mutilation, it is a practice in more than 20 countries around the world. 80 to 135 million women are mutilated today. Note, colleagues, maybe you do not know it, but also in our country according to a study of the University of Ghent at the moment 800 young girls are at risk of being sent to their country of origin during the great holiday to be horribly mutilated there for life.

On 11 May, we will hold a colloquium with the Population and Development Action Group in this Parliament. I ask you all to come here on Friday, May 11, in the morning. We will then sign a petition against genital mutilation. State Secretary Mandaila will also present her Belgian action plan.

I would very much like that Parliament will fully approve this resolution and that on 11 May we, as Belgian parliamentarians, assume our responsibility and fight against these horrible practices. This practice must be removed from the world. I will continue to fight for this and hopefully many colleagues with me. I thank you immediately.

Brigitte Wiaux LE

Mr. Speaker, I would simply like to thank Mrs. De Meyer for making us work on this proposal for a resolution that we took into consideration on 8 March, International Women’s Day. It was important that this proposal should be unanimous for the meaning it represents.

President Herman De Croo

What is happening? And the microphone? It should also be placed close to the mouth.

Brigitte Wiaux LE

The problem, Mr. President, is that I cannot turn it off!

President Herman De Croo

You can’t close it because you haven’t opened it.

Sometimes mysterious things happen here. As far as I know, that is a lot.