Proposition 51K2521

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Proposition de résolution visant à augmenter le rôle des femmes dans les processus de paix.

General information

PS | SP Talbia Belhouari, Valérie Déom, Véronique Ghenne
Submission date
June 1, 2006
Official page
gender equality resolution of parliament development aid position of women human rights establishment of peace refugee


Voted to adopt
CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP Open Vld N-VA MR FN VB

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April 24, 2007 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Rapporteur Mohammed Boukourna

This resolution was approved almost unanimously: eight votes in favour and one abstention. This draft resolution extends previous initiatives in this area, in particular Security Council Resolution 1325 .

The issue will be developed by the lead author of this proposal for a resolution, Ms. Belhouari. I would like to give you a report on the discussion in the committee.

There has been a clarification from Mrs. Belhouari that indicates to me that the signatories have repeatedly met with women’s delegations from different conflict zones. It has been very interesting and meaningful to hear those people who have repeatedly systematically expressed their assistance to assume a greater role in peace processes.

The discussion that followed can be summarized in a few facts.

by Mr. Miguel Chevalier, of the VLD, agreed, in essence, with the concerns of the signatories of the proposal but regretted nevertheless that they did not make this text a common initiative for all components of the majority. by Mr. Chevalier wondered, however, whether the request addressed to point 5 of the arrangement, which is formulated in a rather general way, I quote: "to develop means of exchange between women in the north-south and south-south networks" would not benefit from being made more precise and more concrete.

Finally, on the form, Mr. Chevalier considers undiplomatic the use of the verb "eisen" in the Dutch text of point 2 of the arrangement. Furthermore, the Dutch translation of recital 2 is ambiguous, the Community policy must here be understood in its European sense and not as "het gemeenschapsbeleid".

by Mr. De Decker, Minister of Development Cooperation, noted that the draft resolution expresses what already forms the basis of Belgian development cooperation policy. Equal opportunity policy is indeed a transversal theme in all programmes and cooperation agreements concluded as well as in the programmes developed. The concern for empowering women in partner countries and strengthening their role is clearly a constant one. We agree on this point, although we want it to translate a little more into the facts. This is one of the main demands of this resolution.

Talbia Belhouari does not dispute that the requests addressed to the government in the proposal meet already widely shared concerns, but she notes that all women’s delegations met believe that these objectives are not yet included in the steps.

In short, this bill is really expected by a number of delegations meeting. It is primarily based on the involvement of women and children in a number of conflicts and the burden that this can pose. It aims to enable women to take a greater part in reconciliation or peace processes.

This is the content of my report on the proposal for a resolution aimed at increasing the role of women in peace processes.

President Herman De Croo

Another amendment to the draft program law (3058/1-19) must be returned to the Social Affairs Committee. It relates to Title III Social Affairs.

This amendment is now referred to the Social Affairs Committee, which will be able to take a decision on it.

Talbia Belhouari PS | SP

First of all, I would like to thank Mr. Boukourna for the quality of his report.

I would also like to tell you how pleased I am to be able to present the resolution proposal that is being submitted to our assembly.

A day of reflection is organized today at the Egmont Palace, which is attended by women from different countries including Turkey, Iran and Morocco. I would be pleased to announce to them tomorrow the vote on this proposal for a resolution; in fact, these women will be received this Wednesday by our Committee for Social Emancipation.

I will not go into all the details because our rapporteur’s exposition was – I think – quite comprehensive.

However, I would like to say that the participation of women in the peace and reconstruction processes of conflict countries appears as a necessary condition for the establishment of peace and sustainable development. Women make up more than half of humanity; this must be taken into account. They also have special knowledge and experience.

UN Security Council Resolution 1325 has served as a catalyst for women around the world to assert their rights and increase their role in peace processes. However, while this resolution has made significant progress on gender equality, we are still far from truly accepting the role of women in peace processes. Of course, the requests that the co-signators and I address to the government in our proposed resolution meet with concerns already widely shared by the government. However, all the women coming from conflict countries that we have the opportunity to meet come back with this claim. They want to participate in conflict prevention, management and resolution in the same way as men. Because if equality exists in a whole series of texts, it is not yet the case in reality. It is therefore our duty to support the rapprochement between women and negotiators and decision-makers, in order to enable women to fully fulfill their role as world citizens on an equal footing with men. This is the subject of this resolution.

I therefore call on all members of this assembly to vote in favour of this proposal for a resolution.

Brigitte Wiaux LE

Mr. Speaker, we will support this proposal for a resolution as, even today, it is necessary to ensure a greater role of women in promoting the values of peace and tolerance within our societies. It is true that UN Security Council Resolution 1325, adopted in 2000, serves as a catalyst for women around the world to assert their rights and increase their role in the peace process, and that many national and local women’s organizations use this resolution as a tool of advocacy and training. But there are still many efforts to be made to ⁇ a genuine acceptance of the role of women in peace processes. That is the whole meaning of this resolution and we will support it.