Proposition 50K2233

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Projet de loi instituant le Conseil fédéral de lutte contre le travail illégal et la fraude sociale, le Comité fédéral de coordination et les Cellules d'arrondissement.

General information

Submitted by
Groen Open Vld Vooruit PS | SP Ecolo MR Verhofstadt Ⅰ
Submission date
Jan. 20, 2003
Official page
work fraud moonlighting


Voted to adopt
Groen Ecolo LE PS | SP Open Vld MR
Abstained from voting

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Feb. 19, 2003 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Rapporteur Bernard Baille

I will be brief. Today, I am somewhat impressed by the intimate side of the meeting this afternoon. I will take back the written report and I will expose the particular points of the bill.

The Social Affairs Committee has met twice. The project that is submitted to you this afternoon aims to create a permanent structure to combat black labour and coordinate the various services.

In her introductory presentation, the Minister told us that, already from 1993, coordinated actions had taken place with four major inspections (ONSS, ONEm, Social Law Inspection and Social Inspection). The major disadvantage of these coordinated actions was the lack of a permanent structure, a comprehensive policy and a motor at the level of district committees.

It is important to emphasize the sad place that, unfortunately, our country occupies in terms of underground economy. All participants highlighted this aspect of things. The structure that will be set up after the vote on this project will allow for greater efficiency and will give greater visibility to inspection services. by

In addition, the project will include a more precise and clear definition of tax evasion and illegal work. This will be carried out in connection with social legislation within the scope of federal authorities only.

The bill will allow for the creation of limited working groups and thus, to increase the effectiveness of certain specific areas of the fight against black labour.

I think I have been faithful to the explanation you have made to us in the committee. by

I will now address the second part of the report, namely the general discussion. The various speakers highlighted the interesting nature of the struggle against black labour, against the underground economy. In this regard, there was, I think, unanimous support from the participants.

However, I repeat in public hearing, your servant insisted on the notion of social gangsters who feed themselves at the expense of the most disadvantaged. In my opinion, it is a good thing to fight against the profiteers of black labour.

Furthermore, in a committee, I highlighted the fact that some initiators - notably Abbe Pierre for France, Abbe Vantournhout for Belgium - were relatively on the margins of social legislation. People who are outside of social inclusion should be excluded. It is therefore a matter of being attentive to these initiatives, so as not to crush them but to integrate them.

The second reflection was led by a member of the opposition, Mrs D'Hondt. She expressed her skepticism about these measures by highlighting the possible redundancy between, on the one hand, the immediate declaration of employment and, on the other hand, the social identity card.

by Mr. Delizée and Ms. Cahay also highlighted the damages of the underground economy.

The Deputy Prime Minister then responded to the various speakers.

It should be recalled that, according to the questions asked, it was not a tradition to have the social partners integrated into the different structures of fight against black labour, but that effectively, they could eventually be invited in case of a problem.

Please forgive me if I summarize. I think this is almost the most important thing that has been said. by

For the rest, the discussion of the articles has, by means of certain technical adjustments, resulted in the adoption of these articles by 10 votes against 2 abstentions. The entire project was also adopted by 10 votes and 2 abstentions.

Dear colleagues, I thank you for your good attention and please apologize if I was somewhat hesitant, but I did not have the material time to prepare a very synthetic report.

I hope that my report was faithful.

Minister Laurette Onkelinx

I would like to thank Mr. Dance for his work. As usual, he presented a comprehensive report. I totally agree with him in saying that although this proposal may not seem like nothing, it can nevertheless be a fundamental tool to fight against a social plague that undermines our country and that is black work.