Proposition 54K1509

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Proposition de résolution relative aux commerces de journaux.

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CD&V Leen Dierick, Nahima Lanjri, Griet Smaers, Els Van Hoof
Submission date
Dec. 8, 2015
Official page
distributive trades competition newspaper resolution of parliament serial publication


Voted to adopt
Groen CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP DéFI Open Vld N-VA LDD MR PP VB
Abstained from voting

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April 20, 2017 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Rapporteur Michel de Lamotte

I refer to this in my written report.

President Siegfried Bracke

There are three registered speakers. We respect the rules of the parties.

Jean-Marc Delizée PS | SP

Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker. There is consensus on this issue. Others will follow this afternoon. We are not in the same tone.

This resolution proposal has been the subject of many convergences within the committee. We’ve all started from a finding, which is that of the vulnerability of the newspaper trade sector. Figures to support, we have observed the constant decline in the number of bookstores in our country. This finding is not new. I must recall that, during the previous legislature, on the initiative of our colleague Mrs Vanheste, a proposal for a resolution of the same nature was also unanimously adopted. This text resulted in the establishment of a commission "Independent Press Broadcasters", bringing together publishers, distributors and broadcasters, under the auspices of SPF Economie. It is a place of dialogue and consultation with all relevant stakeholders, whose results are rather mixed. We can, of course, consider that they have resulted in certain agreements. But, on the other hand, we also had to find that there were many rather futile discussions and that the concrete production in terms of shares for the sector was relatively insufficient.

Nevertheless, Ms. Smaers and other colleagues had the merit of reviving the debate and eventually allowing it to be updated. We are well aware that the answer to the problem is not simple and that no one has found a miracle recipe. Otherwise, I think we would have stated it. In any case, we reopened the discussion. The Economic Committee has discussed this issue at least five times, including one hearing session and another exchange session with Mr. Peeters, Minister of Economy.

That said, Madame Smaers, when I see the original text and when I see the text finally adopted, after having been amended at the last minute, I say to myself that ⁇ the basic text has been somewhat strengthened in so far as the original text clearly and undisturbed defended the social role of the small newspaper merchants that allow the dissemination of an independent written press, that is, in the end, the press that has the means to go looking for information rather than commenting on it.

The amendments therefore changed the scope of the text a little. We approved the latter, but, in my opinion, they reduced its ambition. In other words, it is a text a little more half-figue, half-raisin, which wants to feed the goat and the cabbage with much broader intentions so that everyone finds their account, but also too inaccurate to tackle the real issues. For example, in the amended text, the online press is now placed on an equal footing with the written press. If you want to help everyone in the same way, you can no longer help anyone effectively.

Yet, we know it and we have said it, the situation is critical as the hearings we followed in committee reminded us. The number of bookstores continues to decrease. This is also the case for the daily written press, which has to deal with the massive online dissemination of information sometimes approximate with sources whose independence can sometimes be doubted.

However, it has been said that the issue of bookmakers is also closely linked to the state of health of the press. The less there is press, the more difficulties there are. This is, in any case, one aspect of the problem. Therefore, we should try to see this in its entirety.

We have had a lot of discussions about the role of the National Lottery. The draft resolution rightly highlights its role in this matter. It should be remembered that this institution was able to develop mainly thanks to the network of small bookstores that are distributed throughout the country. And even today, it is thanks to them that the National Lottery realizes most of a constantly rising turnover.

Interests also converge. Faced with an online gambling offer that sometimes tries to bypass legislation at the expense of gamblers’ health, newspaper retailers allow for the channeling of games in a framework that does not encourage excessive behavior.

Based on these findings, one can question the investment policy of the National Lottery that tends to favor its online activities to the detriment of the physical network.

Outside of this economic context, I would like to remind you that newspaper merchants are still one of the few places where our fellow citizens meet, regardless of their background or social class. This is an element not to be underestimated in an increasingly divided society.

In conclusion, the Socialist Group will support this resolution. Despite the fact that the amendments surely reinforce the original intention, the proposal ⁇ ins the merit of focusing our attention on a situation that goes beyond economic challenges.

The main challenge is, in fact, that our democratic society needs a strong independent press, relayed by a broad distribution network as possible.

by Mr. Minister Peeters is not present, but Parliament, by this resolution, makes recommendations to the government. We have opened up paths and we are, of course, waiting for him to translate them into concrete actions for the bookmakers of our country. The law also stipulates that we will be able to make an assessment each year. That is a good thing. We will not rest on our lauriers and return to the matter.

We will therefore support the text of this resolution.

Griet Smaers CD&V

Mr. Speaker, colleagues, the worrying situation of the self-employed newspaper dealers led to the submission of this proposal for a resolution in 2015. There is a whole evolution to be observed in the dossier in terms of attention and support for the newspaper dealer.

First, in the previous legislature there was the installation of a committee Independent Journal Trade at the Federal Public Service Economy. However, we received a lot of reports that there was no work in that committee, as was expected. The situation for newspaper traders has worsened.

In 2010, there were still 3,376 daily newspaper traders in our country, while their number fell to only 2,461 in mid-2016. From the hearings, which were organized in the committee after the submission and consideration of the proposal, we learned that the sector is now under great pressure. The sector organisations talked about the declining sales, the very small margins, which leaves no reserves for new investments, and the workload, which takes a lot of time. The sector is also affected by increasing competition across the entire traditional range of press, tobacco and gambling, the main activities of the daily newspaper dealer.

With the 2015 proposal for a resolution, we tried to bring attention to the sector and the challenges it faces. In this way, we want to give oxygen and impact power to this sector.

In 2014, an independent newspaper trade consultative body was established with the FOD Economie. Various actors, including the newspaper dealers, are part of it, as are publishers and distributors. For newspapers, these are important partners.

First, the committee hearings showed that the consultation body has only limited results because the partners in the consultation body do not take concrete commitments.

Therefore, the consultation should continue to be actively supported. In the draft resolution, we also call for a revision of the committee’s convention and rules of procedure, so that it becomes a more result-oriented committee alongside a consultation platform, in which each member includes clear and result-oriented commitments.

Second, the hearings also showed that there is no equal playing field for the delivery of newspapers and magazines. As already mentioned in our initial text, bpost receives federal support in the form of subsidies as a service of general economic interest for the delivery of newspapers to subscribers at home. The newspaper traders see this as unfair. It is therefore very important that the proposal for a resolution asks to examine how to create a level playing field for both the home delivery of the subscriber and the sale in the daily trade of newspapers and newspapers, so that newspaper dealers no longer have to experience unfair competition.

We also call for greater transparency in federal support for the written press. We ask to evaluate that federal support to the media, including new digital carriers, and to examine how support can be organized more media-neutral and future-oriented. The newspaper trade should indeed focus on future-oriented activities.

The hearings also addressed the question of whether the commission for the sale of gambling that the newspaper dealers receive is still realistic. According to the Minister responsible for the National Lottery, the amounts could be considered realistic. The margins for the newspaper dealer were adjusted in accordance with a new management agreement with the National Lottery.

Nevertheless, the federal government must continue to keep an eye on the evolution of the situation of newspaper trading. It should also continue to point out this to the National Lottery whenever the situation of a newspaper dealer would be negatively affected.

Finally, after the recent acquisition of AMP by bpost, it is necessary to ensure that the near-monopoly position in the distribution, which we have also addressed, will not give rise to abuse of power in relation to newspaper traders. The Belgian Competition Authority, to which the complaint was submitted by the industry, should play an important role in that file.

Colleagues, independent newspaper traders play an important, valuable role in our economic and social tissue, to which our colleague and chairman of the Committee for Business has also referred. They are an important meeting point in many village centers. They are an important link in the pluralism of the press. They also help channel the sale of gambling. Beyond the digital channels, it remains important to maintain a broad sales network for the promotion and accessibility of newspapers, magazines and lottery products to a wide audience.

That is why we want to take an important step forward for the sector. Indeed, as indicated by the Chairman of the Commission, we will conduct an annual exchange of views and receive a report from the Independent Journal Trade Committee to assess whether progress is now achieved with the support of the newspaper trade sector.

I am pleased that after the discussion and the hearings in the committee, our proposal for a resolution was finally unanimously approved.

Mr. Speaker of the Commission, you are right. The text is encapsulated. Initially, a number of questions to the federal government were formulated more vigorously. That is also my opinion. The original text meant to meet our wishes. But once we had to water the wine, the majority would be able to support the proposal. The text has been adjusted in a number of points.

I am pleased that we have still been able to maintain an important part of the proposal, including the demand for support. With a more result-oriented committee, we can force support.

Rapporteur Ann Vanheste

First of all, I would like to mention that I was also a rapporteur for this proposal for a resolution. There was a mistake made by the President.

President Siegfried Bracke

Yes, I confess my guilt, I offer you my apology.

Ann Vanheste Vooruit

There is no problem. I thank you.

A lot has already been said by colleagues Delizée and Smaers on this draft resolution. I will not fall into repetition.

We have discussed the newspaper sector several times in the business committee. Despite these extensive debates in the committee on the persistent difficulties of the newspaper dealers, the problem is unfortunately still far from resolved.

The Parliament has been focusing on the sector of independent newspaper traders for a long time. When discussing my previous draft resolution on the distribution of newspapers and magazines, in 2013, we came to the conclusion that the sector must diversify to compensate for the losses it suffers from the declining sales of newspapers and magazines.

However, the question is whether this is feasible. The tobacco products, now sold in newspaper stores, are becoming more expensive, and the consumer is increasingly instructed to stop smoking. Sales will also stagnate. The gambling games, which are also sold by daily newspaper dealers, threaten to go somewhat the same way as the newspapers and weekly newspapers. The commissions on gambling are for many no longer as high as before, due to new contracts. In addition, there is now more competition of online gambling.

The question arises whether other products can be sold. But not every store has the opportunity and space to sell other products.

In short, colleagues, the survival chances of the newspaper store decrease with the day. Nevertheless, I remain convinced that we should not underestimate the social value of these shops.

The committee approved the draft resolution unanimously. I think we all know that it will not provide the ultimate solution, but all bites help.

It is important that we continue to support and follow up the sector and, as we added in the draft resolution, discuss its evolution and evaluation in the committee each year.

Michel de Lamotte LE

It has been repeated in this assembly and in the committee: three newspaper stores are currently closing each week. This figure is very important, and it is significant in the resolution that is adopted today for our assembly. I would like to thank my colleagues for taking the initiative to do so. This is interesting, especially since they are mostly bookshops, who are independent merchants and who, caught in the turn of economic life and the rise of digitalization and the Internet, find themselves somewhat in trouble.

The diversification of the business for bookstores offers pistes for the future and would revitalize the profession through new nearby activities, such as postal points or package deposits. However, we insisted on the fact that it was necessary to issue, as far as they are concerned, margin to allow for the creation of reserves. These can be used to invest in order to allow the repositioning of their bookstore activity in the face of changes in the economy.

In any case, we welcome the negotiation of the value chain that is currently taking place. The aim is to enable each link to thrive in this sector. Leaving from margin to other, beyond the logic of maximizing our own profit, is one of the points on which we must focus our attention, centered on people: as cdH, I am ⁇ sensitive to it.

The role of the State is to ensure that the strength ratio is not used to crush the margins of other actors and that the relations between the economic actors are sustainable. This resolution also contains a request made to the government, beyond the report that was mentioned. It is about verifying that the consultation, within the committee of independent press broadcasters, can work, even if, in three years, things have been difficult and there have been no major advances. Therefore, we need to boost this concertation, ⁇ with suggestions, to ⁇ this.

It is therefore crucial that the government takes this resolution proposal seriously and commits to resolving the problems within the next two years. It is not just about facilitating consultation, but about taking an active part and demonstrating tangible results.

To conclude, I would like to tell you that newspaper stores are neighborhood stores by excellence. It’s the future of retail trade that’s behind and that’s what we’re talking about now. We will have to see how to do it for other sectors.

I truly hope, as far as I am concerned, that the consultation will also be fruitful and will be a source of inspiration. We must continue to believe that it is necessary to leave room for consultation, discussion and not to use the regulatory option as a result.

In any case, it is clear that we will support the proposal. But, let things be clear, it is not for us to support the promotion of the sale of tobacco products or gambling beyond what is done. We believe, however, in the ability of press distributors and bookstores to ensure control, more precisely, of the sale of these products, in particular to prevent a number of minors from accessing them. There too, let us recall the social role of bookmakers in this difficult profession of selling newspapers, selling press and other products that can be put on sale to develop their business!

Marco Van Hees PVDA | PTB

We will not support this resolution. Indeed, these majority resolution proposals are beginning to do well, even if they start from a good feeling. Today, there is a very serious problem for newspaper ⁇ . It is catastrophic. It was repeated. It is catastrophic, but it is the kind of majority resolution proposal, where one comes with full of good intentions but where, in the end, the government policy carried out completely ignores these resolutions. It is a hypocrisy that begins to do well. In fact, this majority is specialists in this type of exercise.

This interests the colleagues of the majority so much that, of the three co-authors of the proposal, I see only one in this assembly. It is to tell you how passionate the subject is!

I give you an example of the fact that the policy of this government is the opposite of what is requested in this resolution. Since the beginning of this month, the commission that newspaper merchants touch on lottery products has been revised downwards. The National Lottery explains that this commission has increased from 6% to 4.5%, but that they are recovering a part through other mechanisms, other pricing. This may be true for some, but the problem is that the economically weakest newspaper merchants – the 6 and 7 segments out of the seven that the Lottery counts and are most threatened by bankruptcy – are those who will lose the most with this new National Lottery pricing.

I also asked a question to Minister Wilmès, in charge of the National Lottery, on this subject. In fact, this problem is very real for newspaper traders in the 6 and 7 segments. They are already on the brink of the abyss and the National Lottery, within the competence of this government, pushes them to be sure they fall there. We want to denounce this hypocrisy by abstaining from this text.