Proposition 54K0278

Logo (Chamber of representatives)

Projet de loi modifiant la loi du 1er août 1985 portant des mesures fiscales et autres.

General information

LE Vanessa Matz, Isabelle Poncelet
Submission date
Sept. 16, 2014
Official page
police victim help for victims indemnification


Voted to adopt
Groen CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP DéFI Open Vld N-VA MR PVDA | PTB PP VB

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June 21, 2018 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

President Siegfried Bracke

The rapporteurs Alain Top and Franky Demon and Monica De Coninck refer to their written report.

Koenraad Degroote N-VA

Mr. Speaker, the present bill provides for compensation for damages caused by intentional acts of violence against police officers outside the exercise of their duties. The colleagues of the CDH, based on a judgment of the Constitutional Court, believe that there is discrimination if something is not regulated. We can follow that argument.

Various advice was received. There were two concerns, including the budgetary impact. For this reason, among other things, colleague Metsu submitted an amendment in order not to introduce the measure with retroactive effect.

The bill was unanimously adopted for the rest.

Isabelle Poncelet LE

Mr. President, I thank you. As a co-author of a text submitted by my colleague Mrs. Matz, I would like to say a few words.

Acts of violence against police officers and members of emergency services are not a myth. As an illustration, in 2014 and 2015, about 8,000 acts of violence against police officers were recorded against just over a hundred in charge of them. During St. Sylvester, we unfortunately could see that acts of violence multiplied against firefighters in the capital and elsewhere in Belgium. These facts are unacceptable. Members of police and emergency services are at the service of our fellow citizens and zero tolerance must be applied when they are victims of violence in connection with their profession.

This proposal has the merit of extending the benefit of the special compensation to employees who are victims of an intentional act of violence suffered outside the exercise of their duties if this act has a direct connection with the exercise of those duties. The proposed legislation aims to resolve an existing situation. In fact, currently, police and rescue services members who are victims of intentional acts of violence receive compensation but on the condition that these acts of violence were caused during the service, which excludes intentional acts of violence carried out outside the exercise of the service, even if it is a prolongation of the service.

In the current context where police officers are increasingly targeted because they are police officers, the adoption of such a bill is therefore an important step forward for the protection of law enforcement members. I would also like to thank the members of the committee for unanimously adopting this proposal. I hope it will be the same soon.