Proposition 53K0404

Logo (Chamber of representatives)

Projet de loi sur la protection des obtentions végétales.

General information

Submitted by
CD&V Leterme Ⅱ
Submission date
Oct. 15, 2010
Official page
EC Directive intellectual property plant variety right crop production seed


Voted to adopt
CD&V Vooruit LE PS | SP Open Vld N-VA LDD MR VB
Abstained from voting
Groen Ecolo

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Dec. 16, 2010 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Rapporteur Jef Van den Bergh

Mr. Speaker, the present bill deals with the intellectual property right, which is not insignificant for the sector, granted to breeders of new plant varieties. Since it was unanimously approved after the Minister’s explanation without further discussion, I would like to refer to the written report.