Proposition 52K0510

Logo (Chamber of representatives)

Proposition de résolution relative à l'introduction du certificat d'immatriculation en deux parties.

General information

Open Vld Guido De Padt
Submission date
Dec. 6, 2007
Official page
fraud resolution of parliament vehicle registration


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Groen Ecolo

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May 22, 2008 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Rapporteur Linda Musin

I am referring to my written report.

Guido De Padt Open Vld

Mr. Speaker, this is a resolution – I know this is not the best legislative technique – to ask the government to proactively act against the fraud detected in vehicle trading.

We currently know in our country an endless registration certificate that, when someone has obtained a vehicle in an unlawful way, is sufficient to realize the transfer of ownership, of course, provided that it is handed over and provided that the payment - or receipt - of the purchase price.

In an earlier life I have experienced, as a lawyer, that a client came to me with the conclusion that he saw his own car riding around in his own village. That car had been stolen and was then bought by someone who in good faith, not knowing that it was a stolen car, had bought a car. My client could do nothing about it.

Therefore, we ask the government, in application of a European directive and in application of what is in force in the Netherlands, among others, and whatever is advised by Federuto, to introduce in the future a registration certificate in two parts.

It should be taken into account that currently thirty-five cars are stolen every day. A little more than half of them are recovered. The other half is traded. That transaction will become much more difficult when both parts of the registration certificate must be handed over to the buyer at the transfer of ownership. Of course, one part is kept in the vehicle and the other part is stored in a safe place. The transfer can then only take place when the two parts come together to the new owner.

Now this is not the case. In order to combat fraud in this area, we ask the government to introduce the registration certificate in two parts in the future.