Proposition 51K2491

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Projet de loi modifiant la loi du 24 janvier 1977 relative à la protection de la santé des consommateurs en ce qui concerne les denrées alimentaires et les autres produits.

General information

Submitted by
PS | SP MR Open Vld Vooruit Purple Ⅰ
Submission date
May 18, 2006
Official page
alcoholic beverage consumer protection advertising public health


Voted to adopt
CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP Open Vld N-VA MR FN VB

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July 6, 2006 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Dominique Tilmans MR

Among the health-risk behaviors, alcoholism has always attracted the attention of public health officials. Alcohol-related problems, whether physical, psychological or social, appear obviously when consumption is too excessive and persists. by

There is consensus within the WHO on the methods that prove to be effective in reducing alcohol consumption: increase of excise duties, prohibition of advertising or sponsorship, health warnings on product packaging, health education, support for people who reduce their consumption or attempt to put an end to it, prohibition for minors to consume alcohol. In order to ⁇ this, it is necessary to combine all these measures. The action must be continuous and must be inserted in the duration.

I would like to remind you that Belgium is considered to be the country in Western Europe where young people get drunk most. One study found that between 1999 and 2001, there would have been a 4.3% increase in consumption among 13-year-olds. This weekly consumption, I would like to emphasize, ranges between 5.4 and 9.7%. Nearly 40% of boys and 26% of girls aged 15 to 16 drink alcohol at least once a week. The CRIOC has also published a survey in which the figures highlight a real need for action by public authorities. 10% of 11-12-year-olds confess to having consumed alcohol, while 68% of them have already tasted it. As for the 17-18 years old, 70% of them are drinking alcohol. I draw your attention to the fact that in Belgium, the annual consumption of pure alcohol is estimated at 8.9 liters per person, which is higher than the European average which reached 7.3 liters per person in 1998.

This finding is alarming. by

In addition, Belgium does not have its own regulatory legislation for the sale of alcohol while in our neighbors, some provisions already exist. In France, alcohol advertising is restricted by the Evin Act of 1991. Italy prohibits any advertising for alcohol before 19:00 on public channels. Sweden prohibits all advertising for alcohol except light beer. by

So it was time for us to use these examples and build on these findings to take action to protect our young consumers. Today, Mr. President, this is done.

We discussed in the Health Committee on June 20 the bill aiming to regulate the advertising of alcoholic beverages. This project allows Belgium to provide, for the first time, with an instrument to avoid unfair competition practices established to encourage young people to consume alcohol. Alcohol consumption is a delicate social and public health problem, which reaches our youth more and more early and causes ever more serious social and physical deviations. by

This project laid the foundation for improving the protection of young people as consumers. A little more than a year ago, this assembly had unanimously voted the resolution proposal of the MR, which I had deposited, concerning the consumption of alcohol by minors. One of our demands was that the government establish legal provisions against advertising for alcoholic beverages. The project submitted to our examination finally allows it. The Minister implemented the recommendations of this resolution through the conclusion of an agreement with alcohol producers, the distribution sector, the horeca federations, consumers and the Advertising Ethics Jury. by

This convention aims to regulate the advertising of alcohol. It allows equal treatment of all products containing 1.2% alcohol per volume, regardless of how they were produced.

The Convention includes a section dedicated to minors: never advertising can target them or use means that target specifically minors.

It is therefore with real conviction, Mr. Minister, that the MR group will vote on this bill.

President Herman De Croo

Mrs. Jiroflée comes to apologize. There was a change in the agenda. Mrs. Jiroflée, you are right. I would have understood it so too.

Mr. Minister, will you answer?

Minister Rudy Demotte

I will be brief, since this issue has already been the subject of long discussions in the committee. I would like to emphasize that today we will vote on a text that is original in two titles. First of all, because this text has a unique form. Indeed, negotiations with the sector will have legal force thanks to the text we are going to vote today, like collective labour agreements.

The second element is that it relates to an extremely sensitive subject, since it is the regulation of advertising for alcoholic products. We want to encourage those in charge of the media, advertising, as well as the first concerned, namely alcohol producers, to give information that takes into account certain ethical principles. Knowing that especially young people are increasingly inclined to consume alcohol, it was also useful to take protective measures, which is part of the philosophy of this text.

That is why, Mr. Speaker, we can be pleased that this text is submitted today to this assembly.