Proposition 51K1964

Logo (Chamber of representatives)

Projet de loi abrogeant l'article 76, alinéa premier, et l'article 168, alinéa 6, de la loi relative à l'assurance obligatoire soins de santé et indemnités, coordonnée le 14 juillet 1994.

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Submitted by
The Senate
Submission date
Jan. 13, 2005
Official page
administrative formalities paramedical profession nursing staff health insurance


Voted to adopt
CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP Open Vld N-VA MR FN VB

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Nov. 24, 2005 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Rapporteur Maggie De Block

Here is my short report. This proposal comes from the Senate. It was a proposal from Mr Vankrunkelsven. After discussions, it has been converted into a government draft.

The Minister gave the explanation in the Social Affairs Committee of Wednesday 9 November. There was a general discussion.

It is about the abolition of an administrative obligation for nursing, for the logopedists and for the kinesists, namely the keeping of a register.

The various speakers, Ms. Cahay, Ms. D'hondt, Mr. Bultinck and myself, were pleased with the administrative simplification that has long been demanded by the sectors concerned.

Some issues were clarified in relation to the control mechanisms for any controls of the operations of the healthcare providers. The Minister stressed that the electronic implementation in the various sectors will be negotiated. This could happen in the nursing sector a little later, because that sector does not yet have uniform systems.

The draft law was discussed in article form. Following the adjustment of the text, with some technical changes, this draft was unanimously adopted by the committee.

President Herman De Croo

Mrs De Block, I thank you for your report and now give you the word to speak on behalf of your group.

Maggie De Block Open Vld

Mr. Speaker, on behalf of my group, I would like to say that this administrative obligation for thousands of people has been a thorn in the eye for years. They had to sacrifice on a Sunday afternoon, because the register actually had to be closed on Sunday night. Every week, there were two hours of work.

It was also superfluous. We questioned it. Between January 2001 and May 2005, only 193 checks were carried out on those services registers. There is sufficient data on the RIZIV, in terms of receipts, certificates and patient records, and so on, to exploit other control possibilities.

A part of the administrative paperberg with which the healthcare providers, the nursing staff, the 40,000 kinesiologists and all logopedists have to deal weekly and daily is abolished with this bill.

This is part of our government agreement. In the government agreement, we read: “The government also wants to alleviate the administrative burden that weighs on the healthcare providers, without affecting the efficiency of control.”

I think this is already removing part of the paper mountain. We can only take one step at a time. I think we will often have to take such steps.