Proposition 51K1907

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Projet de loi portant assentiment à l'accord de coopération du 30 avril 2004 entre l'Etat fédéral, les régions et les communautés relatif à l'accompagnement et au suivi actifs des chômeurs.

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Submitted by
The Senate
Submission date
April 1, 2005
Official page
employment policy unemployment unemployment insurance


Voted to adopt
CD&V Vooruit LE PS | SP Open Vld N-VA MR
Voted to reject
Abstained from voting

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July 13, 2005 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Annemie Turtelboom Open Vld

Mr. Speaker, does Mrs. Lahaye-Battheu not refer to her written report?

President Herman De Croo

This is an oral report.

We are waiting a few moments for the arrival of Mrs Lahaye-Battheu. In the meantime, I would like to give you some additions to the agenda.

Pieter De Crem CD&V

The report is considered as given and treated.

President Herman De Croo

I am notified that the rapporteur is on the way, Mr De Crem, and if she has made the move, we will encourage her to read her report. At its discharge, this report was not planned so early on the agenda. Here is her right now. I give him the word.

Rapporteur Sabien Lahaye-Battheu

Mr. President, I apologize for the delay. It is true that the Social Affairs Committee in its meetings of 5 and 12 July discussed the bill approving the Cooperation Agreement of 30 April 2004 between the Federal State, the Communities and the Regions in relation to the active guidance and follow-up of unemployed persons.

This bill was explained by the Minister of Pensions who replaced Minister Van den Bossche.

The draft law aims to establish the active guidance and follow-up of unemployed persons. It also defines the resources necessary for the financial intervention of the federal state, as set out in the cooperation agreement. The objections expressed by the State Council were not followed for a number of reasons. The Cooperation Agreement provides for a new, joint approach to follow-up and guidance of unemployed persons, with the basis of a more intense and more systematic review of their availability and active search behavior. This review, in order to verify whether the conditions for granting unemployment benefits are met, is a federal competence.

Following and supporting the new assessment method, the Regions and Communities undertake in the Cooperation Agreement to implement specific, fully adapted actions in addition to their normal training and guidance activities. It is therefore a joint action of the competent services of the federal government, the Communities and the Regions, the various elements of which constitute one whole.

The financial intervention of the federal state is a part of the financing of a federal initiative that is implemented with the help of partners who voluntarily contribute to it. This joint action will increase the employability and resilience of the target group, resulting in a stronger position on the labour market. This will significantly reduce the risk of long-term unemployment and, in the long run, increase the chances of the unemployed concerned to be recruited faster.

This is, in short, the subject of the bill. The articles were discussed and explained by the Minister. There were several interventions in the committee. First, Mr D’haeseleer made a detailed presentation. He questioned the system. He asked the Minister for figures of the guidance that should be carried out by the Regions. These figures have been out since 2004.

Then Ms. Pierrette Cahay-André takes the floor, who supports the bill. Subsequently, Ms. Nahima Lanjri also made comments on the new system. She urges the mediation services to make even more efforts to make the counselling more efficient.

Mr Delizée also supports the bill on behalf of the PS.

Following are the responses of the Minister and a number of responses. Finally, on 12 July, the committee approved the bill article by article with 12 votes in favour and 1 abstinence.

Voorzitter: Herman De Croo, Voorzitter Chairman: Herman De Croo, Chairman

President Herman De Croo

Thank you, mevrouw Lahaye.

I then had the pleasure of decorating colleagues, Mrs. Miet Smet and Mrs. Anne Van Lancker. I also want to say this here, because they are meritorious ladies.

Pieter De Crem CD&V

( ... ...

President Herman De Croo

Absolutely, Mr De Crem. It would still be regrettable. I have expressed my congratulations on behalf of the whole Chamber.

( ... ) ( ... )