Proposition 50K1312

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Proposition de résolution sur le contrôle parlementaire de la Politique européenne de sécurité et de défense.

General information

Open Vld André Geens
Vooruit Dirk Van der Maelen
Submission date
June 26, 2001
Official page
European defence policy resolution of parliament parliamentary scrutiny


Voted to adopt
Groen CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP Open Vld N-VA MR FN VB

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June 28, 2001 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Rapporteur Dirk Van der Maelen

Mr. Speaker, the Advisory Committee on European Affairs has addressed an important issue, at least one that all members of Parliament should consider, in particular the parliamentary control of defence.

The Advisory Committee examined several situations and concluded that, in terms of purely national defence, the national Parliament should be responsible for parliamentary control. Defence activities in NATO are controlled by the national parliament and the NATO Assembly, where parliamentarians from different NATO countries meet at regular times and discuss defence within NATO. There is also the Western European Union. Control is exercised by the national parliaments and a collective body in which national parliamentarians from the 28 Member States of the Western European Union meet regularly to take part in parliamentary control.

Since the conclusion of the Treaty of Amsterdam, the European Defence and Security Policy has been developed. Currently, this control is only possible through the national parliament. There is also an information obligation for the defence specialists who shape the European Defence and Security Policy towards the European Parliament.

The Advisory Committee considered that, following the example of the existing institutions for NATO and WEU, it would be beneficial for parliamentary control to also create an ad hoc body for European defence and security affairs. This body would be housed at the European Parliament and would consist of members of the European Parliament and members of national parliaments. The Advisory Committee on European Affairs proposes in a resolution to advocate the establishment of such an ad hoc body. On 2 and 3 July, a colloquium will be held in the Senate on parliamentary control of European defence.

To this extent, the explanation to the proposal that members of the House and Senators of the Members of Parliament specialized in defence and foreign affairs of the other 14 Member States of the European Union will defend.

President Herman De Croo

The discussion is closed. The discussion is close.

There will be no amendments in the past. No amendments have been submitted or re-submitted. Voting over the resolution will take place later. The vote on the draft resolution will take place at a later date.

Rapporteur Fauzaya Talhaoui

I refer to the written report.