Proposition 50K1142

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Projet de loi modifiant la loi du 10 avril 1990 sur les entreprises de gardiennage, sur les entreprises de sécurité et sur les services internes de gardiennage.

General information

Submitted by
Groen Open Vld Vooruit PS | SP Ecolo MR Verhofstadt Ⅰ
Submission date
March 12, 2001
Official page
public safety


Voted to adopt
Groen CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP Open Vld N-VA MR
Voted to reject

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May 17, 2001 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Rapporteur Daniël Vanpoucke

The draft law amending the law of 10 April 1990 on surveillance companies, security companies and internal surveillance services was discussed on 18 April and 2 May in the committee for internal affairs. This bill aims to implement a number of amendments to the law of 10 April 1990 on surveillance companies, security companies and internal surveillance services, as amended by the law of 18 July 1997 and the law of 9 June 1999, in order to ensure harmonisation with European regulation.

First, when applying for a permit or recognition in our country by companies with an operating headquarters in another EU Member State, the guarantees that these companies have already provided to their government will be taken into account. The identity card system remains. The Government points out that the identification cards in question do not have the same purpose as the identity documents. However, carrying such identification cards will not be mandatory in certain cases. The obligation for the undertakings to have a contact person with the Belgian government is removed. In addition, the opportunity was used to implement a number of legislative changes that meet the current needs of the sector.

This should, among other things, result in a reduction of the administrative obligations in the sector. The draft law provides for the following measures: the abolition of the bank guarantee scheme for companies established in Belgium, the abolition of the minimum capital requirement of the security undertaking, the abolition of the obligation to carry permanently an identification card and an identification mark at the same time, the simplification of the system of voluntary surveillance and the abolition of the federal volunteer base, the introduction of the principle of forced enforcement for the collection of unpaid remuneration and administrative fines, the extension of the conditions of professional deontology to the whole staff and the members of the boards of the undertakings with an internal surveillance service that controls persons, the supplementation of the lists of unpaid remuneration and of administrative penalties, the extension of the conditions of professional deontology to the whole staff and the members of the boards of undertakings with an internal surveillance service that controls persons, the extension of the lists of unpaid activity and the extension of the principle of the surveillation, which

The bill proposed by Mr. Yves Leterme and Mrs. Joke Schauvliege concerning the same law of 10 April 1990 will be considered at a later date.

An amendment to renew the recognition of surveillance companies from five to ten years was withdrawn by the applicants. It was chosen to address this problem in a next bill that the government will submit within a few months.

The amendments to establish a remuneration allowing the police services to be reimbursed for their interventions following the entry into force of alarm systems and when they are activated by surveillance companies for control or intervention contracts were also withdrawn by the applicant because after consultation with the ministerial services an appropriate arrangement will be developed. A number of amendments were held and aimed at the following. First, in the event that a new legal entity arises as a result of a merger, division, contribution of a generality or industry or change of legal personality, the King may order that the new legal entity shall continue the activities of the initially authorised or authorised undertaking for the period preceding the notification of the decision on the authorisation or application for recognition, provided that the new legal entity complies with the conditions set by him. Second, the ban on carrying out personal control activities in public places organized by public transport companies through internal surveillance services is lifted. The articles and amendments were adopted unanimously. The entire draft law, as amended and improved, was also unanimously adopted.