Proposition 50K1126

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Projet de loi modifiant la loi sur la fonction de police, la loi du 7 décembre 1998 organisant un service de police intégré, structuré à deux niveaux, et d'autres lois relatives à la mise en place des nouvelles structures de police.

General information

Submitted by
Groen Open Vld Vooruit PS | SP Ecolo MR Verhofstadt Ⅰ
Submission date
Feb. 28, 2001
Official page


Voted to adopt
Groen Ecolo PS | SP Open Vld MR
Voted to reject
Abstained from voting

Party dissidents

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March 21, 2001 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Rapporteur Tony Smets

Mr. Speaker, Mr. Minister, colleagues, this bill, document number 1126, was dealt with in the Committee on Internal Affairs of 14 March 2001. In his introductory presentation, the Minister of Internal Affairs referred to the Memory of Explanation and the additional commentary to the articles. He also pointed out the fact that the date on which the staff of the police services must choose their old or new status is delayed by three months. Their

During the general discussion, the members made a number of comments.

It was pointed out that a solution is being developed for many problems of a practical nature. I refer to the social secretariat of the integrated police, the transfer of movable and immovable property, and so on. However, the precise powers and tasks of the general inspection of the integrated police should be clarified. Its role in relation to the Standing Supervisory Committee should be clarified. In addition, questions were asked about how staff members are informed about their choice for the old or new status. For this purpose, the necessary tools must be made available to everyone. It is noted that Article 184 of the Constitution has not yet been voted. It is therefore unclear whether the police zones are obliged to join a social secretariat of the integrated police. Their

Finally, it is regrettable that the police councils will, as often as ever, be composed of members of the majority in the respective municipal councils. Smaller political groups are rarely discussed in the police councils.

The Minister took note of the comments. He pointed out that the draft addresses a number of practical problems that have emerged in the implementation of the law on the integrated police. The structure of the general inspection, which will consist of approximately 80 staff members, will be announced soon. The Minister considers it necessary that the file of the police officers be managed centrally. This does not exclude, however, that social secretaries may subcontract for certain tasks. Their

As regards the amendment of Article 184 of the Constitution, a technical consensus was reached. In total, 11 amendments were submitted to the bill. The numbers 1 to 10 were submitted by the government. They relate to the collection and management of intelligence, as well as the way in which supervision and control are organized. Their

Amendment No. It is intended to extend the period in which the staff members are given the choice to opt for the old or new statute to three months after the publication of the new statute in the Belgian Staatsblad. Their

In Amendment No. Article 257c of the Integrated Police Act provides that the King shall determine the modalities under which advances or compensation may be granted to staff members. This applies primarily to the local police, whose management before the entry into force of the new statute cannot be taken over by the Social Secretariat of the integrated police.

A member of the Committee adopted an amendment no. 11 submitted on Article 20, which clarifies that the members of the police council must always take the oath in the hands of the chairman of this council.

All proposed amendments were adopted by the committee. Several members of the committee proposed technical improvements. The text of the draft was adapted to this. The committee wondered how the transfer of the immovable property would proceed in the same way as that of the movable property. The Minister remarked that the negotiations on this issue are still ongoing. The final draft was adopted by the committee with 10 votes for and 1 abstinence.

President Herman De Croo

General discussion is closed. The general discussion is closed.