Proposition 50K0996

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Projet de loi modifiant l'article 66 de la loi provinciale et insérant un article 242bis dans la nouvelle loi communale, en ce qui concerne le programme de politique générale.

General information

Submitted by
The Senate
Submission date
June 22, 2000
Official page
municipality province


Voted to adopt
Groen CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP Open Vld N-VA MR
Voted to reject

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Jan. 18, 2001 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Rapporteur Kristien Grauwels

Mr. Speaker, dear colleagues, in the Committee on Internal Affairs, the draft law was unanimously adopted with the following title: "Draft law amending Article 66 of the Provincial Law and adding an article 242bis to the new Municipal Law on the policy program".

This bill arises from a parliamentary initiative and stipulates that the permanent delegation in the provincial council and the ship college in the municipal council are obliged to submit a policy plan indicating the general lines of the plans of the administration for the entire administration period. This policy statement should be made within three months and should be made available to the public.

When discussing this proposal, the Minister referred to the already existing legal obligation to submit the budget and accounts, together with the report, to the municipal council for voting annually. In the pleasures, the PS group pointed out that several municipalities submit a general policy statement when installing the new municipal council. This is an existing practice. The PRL group noted that in some municipalities it is customary to submit a policy statement annually, when presenting the budget. Therefore, it was proposed to change the text in the sense of "within three months".

Asked by the Minister whether a sanction was also envisaged, he replied that this is also not envisaged for the report to be submitted together with the budget.

The VLD declares that the draft is well intended, but is little binding. The statement on the budget is more meaningful.

The Agalev-Ecolo group in the committee fully and heartily supports this bill as it brings with it more publicity of administration and enables municipal councillors to better follow up the college.

It is a means of improving the participation of citizens in policy. Furthermore, this way, it responds to the demand of the citizen for more information.