Proposition 54K1540

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Projet de loi modifiant le Code de droit économique en ce qui concerne les extraits de la Banque-Carrefour des Entreprises.

General information

CD&V Griet Smaers
Ecolo Gilles Vanden Burre
Groen Kristof Calvo
LE Michel de Lamotte
MR Kattrin Jadin
N-VA Peter Dedecker, Werner Janssen
Open Vld Frank Wilrycx
PS | SP Karine Lalieux
Vooruit Ann Vanheste
Submission date
Dec. 29, 2015
Official page
administrative formalities competition tendering official document type of business registration of a company use of languages


Voted to adopt
Groen CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP DéFI Open Vld N-VA LDD MR PVDA | PTB PP
Abstained from voting

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May 26, 2016 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

President Siegfried Bracke

Mrs Leen Dierick, rapporteur, refers to the written report.

Kattrin Jadin MR

Mr. Speaker, I welcome the presence of Minister Borsus today to briefly discuss this bill. More and more companies are turning to foreign markets to get contracts with the public sector but also with the private sector. We must try to help them, as far as possible, to develop their activities both on the domestic and foreign markets.

In practice, it has appeared that some companies were inhibited in their actions on the grounds that they can only provide the Certificate of the Bank-Carrefour of Enterprises in one of the three national languages. The deposit in the three languages is already good, but what about the opportunity to add English, recognized by all as the usual language in the business world?

They are therefore forced to have these documents translated, which requires heavy administrative procedures or even surplus costs perceived as superfluous, rightly. Furthermore, we find it appropriate, through this bill, to remove the financial and economic obstacles facing our companies by allowing them, if they make the express request and if they fulfil their rights, to be able to obtain this attestation from the Bank-Carrefour des Entreprises in another language.

To conclude, Mr. Speaker, for very obvious reasons of administrative simplification but also and above all in support of our companies in the development of their activities, my group and myself will support, almost with one voice, this proposal. I am therefore pleased with the support, I said, that she received from Minister Borsus. I would also like to thank my colleagues for the very constructive discussions that led to the voting on the proposal today. I thank you.

Griet Smaers CD&V

Mr. Speaker, we have also collaborated on the bill, because we support the idea.

During the discussion in the committee, we added two additional amendments by the majority, which aimed to further simplify things related to the purpose of the bill. As a result, it is no longer necessary, when one requests an English-language extract from the Crosspoint Bank of Enterprises, to simultaneously request one in one of the official national languages, which was originally determined in the bill. Thanks to these amendments, the procedure is simplified and we have also pressed the costs for companies to obtain English-language extracts from the KBO.

We agree with the amended bill.