Proposition 54K1067

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Proposition de résolution relative au taux de TVA réduit sur les livres et les journaux électroniques.

General information

CD&V Roel Deseyn
MR Gautier Calomne, Caroline Cassart-Mailleux, Olivier Chastel, Denis Ducarme, Richard Miller, Benoît Piedboeuf, Vincent Scourneau, Sophie Wilmès
Submission date
May 6, 2015
Official page
VAT rate book trade electronic document electronic publishing resolution of parliament


Voted to adopt
Groen CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP DéFI Open Vld N-VA LDD MR PVDA | PTB PP VB

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July 20, 2016 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

President Siegfried Bracke

I assume that Mr Georges Gilkinet, the rapporteur, refers to his written report.

Benoît Piedboeuf MR

Mr. Speaker, I speak in the place of Mrs. Cassart-Mailleux, who is at the dentist. She could not release herself.

The 6% VAT rate applies to newspapers, publications and printed books. It is not for electronic support. The objective of this resolution is to ensure that the 6% rate is aligned because we believe that electronic media is also an access to culture and information of primary necessity.

It was our colleague Gilkinet who added the point regarding the newspapers, I specify it to be correct. This initiative has resulted in consensus on this resolution.

The Association of Belgian Publishers is in favor of this because it would allow it to better resist foreign competition. The European Court of Justice has condemned the French state, which had installed this reduced rate of 6%, because the current legislation does not allow it. France, Germany, Poland and Italy have already called for an adaptation of the directive. We suggest that Belgium do the same.

In this resolution, we ask the government to advocate for the Commission to accelerate the process, for the Parliament to follow up to amend this directive and for the VAT to be modified in favour of certain services, such as for e-books and newspapers, so that they are subject to the reduced rate.

Ms. Cassart-Mailleux therefore invites you, dear colleagues, to vote in favour of this proposal for a resolution, as was the case in the Committee on Finance by unanimous vote. She is delighted to see this dossier result and thankes all groups for their contribution, concretized by a beautiful unanimity.