Proposition 53K3469

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Projet de loi modifiant le titre XIII, chapitre VI, de la loi-programme (I) du 24 décembre 2002 en ce qui concerne la tutelle des mineurs étrangers non accompagnés.

General information

CD&V Nahima Lanjri
LE Christian Brotcorne
Open Vld Carina Van Cauter
PS | SP Laurence Meire
Vooruit Karin Temmerman
Submission date
March 20, 2014
Official page
foreign national child migration policy refugee guardianship


Voted to adopt
CD&V Vooruit LE PS | SP Open Vld N-VA LDD MR VB
Abstained from voting
Groen Ecolo

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April 3, 2014 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

President André Flahaut

Mrs Sarah Smeyers, rapporteur, refers to the written report.

Bert Schoofs VB

To be clear, we support the proposed legislation. We agree with the principle that unaccompanied unaccompanied minors deserve the necessary legal protection. It can happen that children or young people in our country are being tortured. After all, the world is not perfect. One must intervene on that. A civilized country with a rule of law is obliged to do so to itself.

I would like to emphasize — I have already said it in the committee, but I would like to emphasize it before the report at the plenary session — that from some countries and even from some ethnic groups — I dare to say that — the law can be abused.

Recently, we had to find out that an eleven-year-old young criminal was caught for the first time in the course of a theft. The person concerned said badly that nothing could be done to him and that he could not be imprisoned in prison. Through the current law, he will also be protected. Such a thing puts the world on its head.

It is a shame that the EU allows such countries, from which such young people come, to enter the EU. They mostly come from Romania and Bulgaria. I don’t just want to target those countries, but we must conclude that Belgium is currently an attraction pool for those two countries. It is a shame that the EU has brought these countries into the Union. It is also a shame that we now have to pass such legislation because the EU wants to make the member states the pine. The EU has a huge amount of butter on its head.

So we are going to vote in favour, but it is with a small heart, because we know that it can be abused.

Minister Annemie Turtelboom

I have no comment. It is a very good design from my colleague, State Secretary De Block, who manages the asylum and migration dossier very well.