Proposition 53K3137

Logo (Chamber of representatives)

Projet de loi portant des dispositions relatives à la carte d'identité sociale et la carte ISI+.

General information

Submitted by
PS | SP the Di Rupo government
Submission date
Nov. 19, 2013
Official page
identity document social security


Voted to adopt
CD&V Vooruit LE PS | SP Open Vld N-VA LDD MR VB
Abstained from voting
Groen Ecolo

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Jan. 9, 2014 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

President André Flahaut

I suppose that mr. Clarinval will intervene in the extension of its report.

Rapporteur David Clarinval

Mr President, you are correctly guessing. First, I wish you my best wishes.

The Social Affairs Committee examined the bill submitted by the Minister of Public Health and Social Affairs, Laurette Onkelinx, at its meeting on 10 December 2013. This proposal was unanimously adopted. It provides for the removal of the SIS card in favour of the electronic identity card and, in a more limited number of cases, the SIS card will be replaced by the ISI+. This reform will allow the identification of the patient and access to his/her insurance data on a secure network.

The Minister of Health introduced us to the advantages of using the electronic ID card: formal identification of the insured, consultation of updated data on patient insuredness, administrative simplification for the patient and the caregiver, greater protection of privacy.

For persons who do not have an electronic identity card, i.e. children under twelve, border workers, pensioners who have paid contributions and reside abroad, foreigners who pay contributions but do not have an identity card, the ISI+ card will be established and will be free.

As of January 1, this ISI+ card will be automatically issued to every newborn. Aged SIS cards for children under 12 years of age will be replaced by the ISI+. No more SIS cards will be issued and the Social Insurer will not have to take any action. Only care providers who have previously identified themselves will be able to have secure access to mutuality databases. This secure identification will be made through the eHealth platform, on which it is checked for each connection if the health care provider is authorized to consult the data in question. Security data will be updated automatically.

by Mr. De Croo, Mrs Sminate Vercamer and your servant expressed their satisfaction with this reform. During the meeting, Mr. De Croo asked in particular about the number of ISI+ card holders. Ms Sminate investigated the cost of producing the new card and the providers who will be able to access it through eIDs. by Mr. Vercamer questioned the possibility of generalizing the Kids-ID for all children so that the ISI+ exemption scheme would have a more limited scope. Your servant asked to know the savings thus generated by the reform.

Following the exchange of views, the Minister specified that the ISI+ card would affect approximately 170,000 adults and 1,500,000 minors.

The Minister also acknowledged that the number of holders of an ISI+ card could however be significantly reduced if the Kids-ID was made mandatory from birth. However, she indicated that this would represent a significant cost for families because the eID is payable. Therefore, the Minister favours the issuance of free ISI+ cards for young children.

It is also preferable to issue the ISI+ card to all minors under the age of twelve, including children with a Kids-ID, on the one hand, because insurance companies prefer to maintain a unit within households, and on the other hand, so that the issuance remains simple on the administrative level.

The cost of the ISI+ card for the period 2014-2018 is estimated at EUR 4 611 000. The cost will be borne by mutualities at a rate of 72%, the rest being borne by INAMI.

As stated above, the bill was adopted unanimously.

On behalf of my group, I will simply say that we reiterate our support for the proposed reform, convinced that this reform will generate a significant administrative simplification while ensuring respect for the privacy of citizens.

President André Flahaut

Ms. Sminate is absent. Mr. Minister, do you want to add something?

Ministre Laurette Onkelinx

by Mr. Clarinval said everything and well said.