Proposition 53K2784

Logo (Chamber of representatives)

Proposition de résolution relative aux écoles de jeunes sapeurs-pompiers.

General information

PS | SP Laurent Devin, Julie Fernandez Fernandez, André Frédéric, Éric Thiébaut
Submission date
April 30, 2013
Official page
vocational training fire protection resolution of parliament


Voted to adopt
Groen CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP Open Vld N-VA LDD MR VB

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Feb. 12, 2014 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

President André Flahaut

The rapporteur is Karin Temmerman. Although suffering, she was present this morning, but I don’t know if she could stay. It refers to its written report.

Laurent Devin PS | SP

Mr. Speaker, dear colleagues, the draft resolution on which you are going to speak today and which has received the unanimous support of the colleagues of the Committee on the Interior – I thank them for it – is ⁇ close to my heart. Indeed, it is not only here to promote vocations to the beautiful profession, the essential profession of sapphire-pompier, which would however in itself be a sufficient motive to support this text.

It is also not only a question of guaranteeing a uniform training for young people, which may become one of the essential components of the security services offered to the Belgian citizens tomorrow, which, however, would also in itself be a sufficient reason to support this text.

No to No! It is much more than that. It really is about setting up an infrastructure that highlights a citizen’s commitment to the service of the community, its neighbors, its friends, everyone. A commitment that is that of a Belgian youth sometimes pointed to the finger by their elders as unworked but who wants to be useful, who while training in gestures that save lives is also formed in the spirit of solidarity and camaraderie, which is forged in formations today disparate and not necessarily accessible across our entire territory, since they are the fruit of private, municipal, provincial or intercommunal initiatives. These are formidable life experiences that will reignite tomorrow for the benefit of all and all.

By giving them a framework and official recognition, we ensure that they are enduring and will make them more accessible to young people aged 15 to 18 throughout our country. Tomorrow, ⁇ , these training can lead to a real access to the profession. That is why I already thank you for the support you would like to give to this text. Thank you, dear colleagues. Thank you Mr. President.

President André Flahaut

Mevrouw Slegers, bent u niet ingeschreven som talker voor dit ämne? ( of no)

Mr. Arens, you were not registered, but since you would like to speak, I give you the floor.

Josy Arens LE

Mr. Speaker, dear colleagues, the CDH Group welcomes the text submitted for consideration. by Mr. Devin and his friends have done an excellent job, as this proposal supports citizens’ commitments that aim to awaken young people to the civic sense and prepare them for a possible future career as firefighters.

In this sense, the proposal seeks to establish consistency by harmonising the training currently given to firefighters cadets both in their structures and in their contents. The Minister of the Interior and his administration have already initiated work in this direction by listing the various initiatives of young firefighters and by reflecting on an appropriate organization and training structure for young firefighters.

The CDH Group will therefore support the proposal.