Proposition 53K2226

Logo (Chamber of representatives)

Projet de loi portant assentiment à la Convention sur la cybercriminalité, faite à Budapest le 23 novembre 2001.

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Submitted by
The Senate
Submission date
Feb. 22, 2012
Official page
European convention computer crime data protection intellectual property international agreement child pornography


Voted to adopt
Groen CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP Open Vld N-VA LDD MR VB

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June 14, 2012 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Rapporteur Herman De Croo

I am referring to my report, Mr. Speaker.

Guy Coëme PS | SP

I will be very brief. However, this issue of cybercrime deserves to be discussed in public hearing. When we talk about cybercrime, we think a lot today about crime that can be attached to the security of states. We also think a lot about the whole problem of difficulties, integrist groups, terrorists, but there is also another cybercrime and it is the one that affects me, it is the one that affects citizens. Cybercrime against citizens.

Recently, I have been given knowledge of two cases, which prompts me to tell you today that my group will vote, of course, the project as it is presented. I think everyone here will go in that direction. But if it is true that it is important to have texts and coordination, consistency at the European level, if it is true that it is important that the texts find a legal basis in Belgian law, it is a positive thing, but it is not enough, because cybercrime affects people.

Having had the opportunity to interpell Mrs. Turtelboom, already two years ago, at the time she was the head of the Ministry of the Interior, I think that if the texts are important, it is also fundamental to have the means. And for now, I think that Belgium has not allocated all the financial means to combat cybercrime and I think above all that we have not allocated all the human resources to fight this cybercrime.

I will leave this forum simply – but you are not directly concerned, Mr. Minister of Finance, because it is other colleagues who will have to answer – saying this: I do not know of cases where citizens who have been victims of this cybercrime have experienced immediate follow-up to their complaint filing. I would like to advocate for a genuine citizen support from the various authorities that are responsible for reassuring the public opinion. Much has been said about this in a survey published in recent days. But I think this is part of the things that should allow us to see life in a somewhat more positive way.

I thank you for your attention.