Proposition 53K2195

Logo (Chamber of representatives)

Projet de loi interprétative de l'article 108, § 2, alinéa 2, première et deuxième partie de phrase de la loi du 8 janvier 2012 portant modification de la loi du 29 avril 1999 relative à l'organisation du marché de l'électricité et de la loi du 12 avril 1965 relative au transport de produits gazeux et autres par canalisations.

General information

Submitted by
PS | SP the Di Rupo government
Submission date
May 15, 2012
Official page
consumer protection electrical energy price of energy energy supply gas interpretation of the law market stabilisation


Voted to adopt
Groen CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP Open Vld N-VA LDD MR VB

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June 14, 2012 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Rapporteur Bert Wollants

I refer to the written report.

Leen Dierick CD&V

Electricity and gas are much more expensive here than in our neighbors.

This is why we here on March 22 approved the temporary freezing of energy prices. The law allowed gas and electricity suppliers to no longer index their prices upwards from 1 April.

With this measure, we wanted to protect the purchasing power of our citizens and ensure the competitiveness of our companies.

However, five suppliers decided to go against the law and still raise their prices on 1 April. Thus, they put not only the law aside, but also the interests of their clients.

The present draft law once and for all excludes any divergent interpretation. The freezing of the variable energy prices applies from 1 April, including 1 April.

The whole heisa that ultimately caused this has had a positive outcome. Customers have been actively looking for the cheapest energy supplier. There have never been so many people changing energy suppliers as in the last few months. This is indeed a positive sign.

The freezing of prices is indeed a temporary measure that we must keep as short as possible. Structural measures must be taken urgently. We expect very soon the bill that will abolish the breakdown compensation, which hopefully will encourage many more consumers to make the comparison between the different suppliers and possibly change supplier.

Even more important is the equipment plan, which should clarify how we can secure our energy supply at an affordable price.

CD&V will therefore support this bill, but we will also ensure that structural measures are taken quickly in accordance with the government agreement.

Ann Vanheste Vooruit

On March 14 and 22, we discussed energy prices. The freezing is a good and responsible measure of a temporary nature.

Mr. Minister, in the report it is stated that I have asked you the following question. What exactly do you mean by freezing? Will it start on April 1st? Is it possible to intervene in such a way that prices are ⁇ ined from that date? Is it April 1 or March 31?

Your response to this was clear and clear. The freezing shall enter into force on 1 April, including 1 April. This cannot be clearer.

It is also clear that suppliers are not allowed to raise prices unless they have dropped first. Concretely, this means that prices could not rise on 1 April.

The law is important enough for the suppliers to read it well and also to read the committee reports. All this history shows that Electrabel simply does not want to respect the law.

This law cannot be misinterpreted. I am pleased that the government has a grip on this behavior with this interpretative law, which we will approve today.

President André Flahaut

Mr Schiltz is registered but is not present.