Proposition 52K2177

Logo (Chamber of representatives)

Projet de loi relatif à la conservation obligatoire auprès d'un transporteur ferroviaire des bagages et marchandises perdus, abandonnés ou non réclamés.

General information

Submitted by
CD&V Leterme Ⅱ
Submission date
Sept. 29, 2009
Official page
rail transport


Voted to adopt
Groen CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP Open Vld N-VA LDD MR FN VB

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Jan. 28, 2010 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

President Patrick Dewael

Ms Valérie De Bue, rapporteur, refers to her written report.

Ine Somers Open Vld

Mr. Speaker, dear members of this Chamber, each of us takes the train regularly. Sometimes these trains are associated with frustration. To some frustrations the traveller can do nothing; that we heard today during the interventions on the accuracy of the railway. For other frustrations, the travellers themselves are responsible. I think of losing luggage. Even though the passengers themselves are responsible for the loss, it is customer-friendly to organize the arrival of the baggage in a simple and as efficient way as possible. Therefore, our group will support the proposed draft with a new procedure for recovering lost baggage. This is mainly because it is more customer-friendly for the train passenger, but also cost-saving for the government.

Our group has always been pushing for administrative simplification. Therefore, it is also important for us that this simpler procedure to retrieve lost objects is a step in the right direction. The reduction of the deadline for recovering lost luggage from six months to fifty days is sure and firmly defensive. 99.3% of lost items are collected by the traveller within this period. A prerequisite for this new measure is that there will be clear communication with the travellers so that they know how and where to recover their lost items.

This draft law did not include a date of entry into force and therefore it will enter into force very soon after its publication in the Belgian Staatsblad. Therefore, we think that there are a number of important questions regarding communication. Will passengers be sufficiently informed? Will an information brochure be distributed? Will the NMBS invest, for example, in signaling to clear the storage of lost baggage in the stations?

Finally, our group is of the opinion that the social economy companies that will in the future be responsible for the sale and recycling of the unused items should be selected through a transparent tendering procedure and in a non-discriminatory manner.

Jef Van den Bergh CD&V

I agree with Mrs. Somers’s speech.