Proposition 52K1331

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Projet de loi portant assentiment à l'Accord entre les Gouvernements des Etats du Benelux (le Royaume de Belgique, le Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, le Royaume des Pays-Bas) et le Gouvernement macédonien relatif à la réadmission des personnes en séjour irrégulier (Accord de réadmission) et au Protocole d'application, faits à Voorburg le 30 mai 2006.

General information

Submitted by
The Senate
Submission date
May 23, 2008
Official page
Benelux North Macedonia foreign national illegal migration international agreement removal


Voted to adopt
CD&V Vooruit LE PS | SP Open Vld N-VA LDD MR FN VB
Abstained from voting
Groen Ecolo

Party dissidents

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July 10, 2008 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Rapporteur Herman De Croo

A verbal report is intended to explain to the Chamber what the committee has discussed and decides on the matter.

For the present draft law on cooperation, a question was asked by your rapporteur in connection with the yet somewhat controversial name of the State in question. Indeed, the difficulties between Greece and Macedonia are known. The Macedonians want their country to be called Macedonia, while internationally – I give the French name – ARYM Ancienne République Yougoslave de Macédoine is used.

Foreign Affairs responded to our comments, referring, among other things, to Ms. Lizin’s report in the Senate, that that international formula was accepted here, and that it is also used to promote legal certainty.

The representative of the Minister says that with regard to the two treaties in question, i.e. Treaty 1323/1 that we discussed later and Treaty 1331/1 that we are currently discussing, the negotiations on behalf of the Benelux were conducted by the Netherlands.

The bill was unanimously approved.

Fouad Lahssaini Ecolo

My speech will be very brief. Indeed, ideally, my group could have voted this agreement, but, with regard to its thematic, we seize the opportunity to once again express our desire to see our State manage the migration policy in a balanced way.

We are in favour of the fact that the maintenance of order remains a priority, we are in favour of law enforcement, but our concern also concerns migration policies: we want to see positive aspects appear at times that would give anything other than a negative image of a country expelling people. We would very soon like to have discussions on how we will manage these policies internally, of which we will solve the problem of people who reside on Belgian territory, currently without papers, and integrate them into our society. In fact, they have been there for a long time and can therefore be regarded as citizens in the same way as others.

We therefore await the moment when this policy will reach the point of balance between the necessary part of security and expulsion, and the part of reception and integration of these people.

That is why my group will abstain from voting on this agreement.