Proposition 51K2747

Logo (Chamber of representatives)

Projet de loi portant diverses dispositions relatives à la procédure de dépôt des demandes de brevet européen et aux effets de ces demandes et des brevets européens en Belgique.

General information

Submitted by
PS | SP MR Open Vld Vooruit Purple Ⅰ
Submission date
Nov. 14, 2006
Official page
European Patent Office European patent intellectual property patent patent law invention


Voted to adopt
CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP Open Vld N-VA MR FN VB

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Feb. 8, 2007 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Rapporteur Guy Hove

I can be very brief. It is a procedure for the submission of European patent applications. It is a rather technical design with a limited number of articles.

It is about the following. The patent applicant has the choice between the European Patent Office and the Intellectual Property Office. There is a major exception. When the patent concerns the security of the State, it must be submitted to the Office. Only two members participated in the general discussion. The draft was unanimously approved.