Proposition 51K2675

Logo (Chamber of representatives)

Projet de loi portant modification de la loi du 3 avril 1997 relative au régime fiscal des tabacs manufacturés.

General information

Submitted by
PS | SP MR Open Vld Vooruit Purple Ⅰ
Submission date
Sept. 6, 2006
Official page
excise duty indirect tax tobacco


Voted to adopt
Vooruit Ecolo PS | SP Open Vld MR

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Nov. 9, 2006 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Rapporteur Annemie Roppe

Mr. Speaker, this draft law was needed following a reasoned opinion of the Commission of the European Communities, which was communicated to Belgium on 26 June 2006, following a warning on 18 October 2005. In the article-by-article discussion, all articles were approved with 8 votes for and 1 abstinence. Only for Article 2 there was an amendment submitted by the Government that was also approved with 8 votes for and 1 abstinence.

President Herman De Croo

Thank you, Mrs Roppe.

Mr. Wathelet and Mr. Tant, I have just signed the letter I had promised to the Chamber.