Proposition 51K2532

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Proposition de résolution relative au cancer de la peau consécutif à une exposition prolongée au soleil.

General information

Open Vld Yolande Avontroodt, Maggie De Block, Hilde Dierickx, Jacques Germeaux
Submission date
June 7, 2006
Official page
health risk cancer resolution of parliament public health disease prevention


Voted to adopt
CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP Open Vld N-VA MR FN VB

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April 24, 2007 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Rapporteur Maya Detiège

Here in Brussels it is always up. I have walked, therefore I have a little hijg.

The draft resolution concerns the measures to be taken to prevent skin cancer. The main speaker, Ms Dierickx of Open Vld, presented the draft resolution in a committee.

Mrs Dierickx requests that the National Cancer Registration Register obtain sufficient resources so that the registration model in Belgium would function properly. It also calls for uniformity of the information on the protection factor of sunscreen. That information is not always uniformly displayed and there are different types of scales. It calls for the European scale to be applied.

The government is also asked to establish good cooperation with the communities, especially with a view to raising awareness. Special attention should be paid to specific population groups, such as children and people working in sunlight, who should be alerted to the harmful effects of sunlight.

It also calls for resources to be made available to continue supporting cancer research in general. Finally, it calls for politicians to work closely with doctors and dermatologists.

The draft resolution was unanimously adopted.

President Herman De Croo

I advise colleagues to read the considerations and the explanation.

Hilde Dierickx Open Vld

Mr. Speaker, I am pleased that my proposal for a resolution on the fight against skin cancer on the trail is put to the vote. I thank my colleagues Yolande Avontroodt, Maggie De Block and Jacques Germeaux, who supported me by signing the draft resolution.

I call on the government to take measures to combat skin cancer. At the beginning of the summer, and especially in this beautiful weather, it is not wrong. 90% of skin cancers are caused by excessive exposure to the sun. The incidence of melanoma, the most aggressive form of skin cancer, increases annually by five to ten percent. Nothing indicates that the incidence will decline again.

Approximately 1,200 cases of melanoma are ⁇ annually in Belgium. Children and adolescents suffer the most damage from exposure to the sun. Fortunately, the sun has a positive effect on our body and our mind. Sunlight is the main source of vitamin D. Solar rays have an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin and make us feel good, but UV rays can also cause damage to our bodies. Sun allergy, which affects one in seven people, can occur, as well as pigment abnormalities, skin aging, sunburn and skin cancer.

The sun is not the only major factor for melanoma. The main factor is the skin type and hereditary factors also play a role. However, sun exposure is the only factor we have in hand and we can do something about it ourselves. It is therefore necessary to protect yourself with protective clothing, a suitable sunglasses and sunscreen.

The lack of uniformity in the scales of the protective factors is a problem for the consumer. The applicants urge the government to develop a comprehensive plan, in cooperation with dermatologists and the Communities and Regions. That plan consists of gathering the right data, conducting campaigns that raise awareness of the dangers of excessive sun exposure, and conducting campaigns for risk groups, such as children and individuals who spend a lot of time in the sun for professional reasons.

We demand that a uniform scale of protection factors be used for sunscreen, for example the European scale. Now it is too confusing for consumers, as there are also American and Australian scales on the Belgian market. The sale of sunglasses with insufficient protection should be suspended.

I hope that the resolution will contribute to a decrease in the high number of skin cancer patients per year.