Proposition 51K2497

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Projet de loi concernant GSM-R.

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Submitted by
PS | SP MR Open Vld Vooruit Purple Ⅰ
Submission date
May 18, 2006
Official page
mobile phone telecommunications rail transport


Voted to adopt
CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP Open Vld N-VA MR FN VB

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July 6, 2006 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Rapporteur Roel Deseyn

Despite the sluggish opening hours, we finally found each other. You could avoid some annoyance and comment against your person if you open the plenary session at the last specified hour and then suspend the meeting. That would better honor the Parliament.

On 19 June, the Infrastructure Committee discussed the bill on GSM-R. The use was the methods that have been quite imperfect so far. The Secretary of State referred to the radio networks of passenger freight stations. Also the radio connections are undermeasurable so that one cannot always respond to crisis situations. Remember the train accident in Pécrot.

In the general discussion, I asked myself whether the GSM-R would provide other benefits for travellers than the improvement of the overall safety situation and the possibility of faster interventions. I think of an additional service such as the search for lost goods.

Mrs Lalieux asked questions about the role Infrabel will play. The bill on GSM-R refers to Infrabel or its carrier. This point has led to an exchange of ideas. Several factions, including CD&V, wanted to get absolutely clear about who will be assigned that task. More about this later.

As for timing, the network should be fully operational by the end of 2008, according to the Secretary of State. On the discussion of who will take on the task as an operator, it is understandable that the GSM Roperator is Infrabel. Because it does not always have the necessary competencies, the holding company that has the required expertise in the home will designate a carrier.

Other questions concerned the role of the BIPT. The State Secretary has clarified that the BIPT should also include the function of regulator here and now already performs the control of the preparations of the GSM-R network.

In the course of the further article-by-article discussion, I can only report that we have proposed a number of technical corrections. These were a number of matters that should guarantee a better reading — definitions and so on — of the legislation. These amendments were adopted at the notice of the Secretary of State.

Something that may still arouse your interest, colleagues, is the question I asked, namely whether it was intended that also from external numbers to the GSM-R numbers, to the train staff can be called in certain cases. The Secretary of State said that as a recipient you will always be able to receive calls. However, the calls will be limited to a certain set of numbers. In other words, train guides or other board personnel will not be able to simply connect with the home front or other colleagues via the GSM-R network.

Finally, the Secretary of State said that since security is the main reason of existence of the GSM-R network, a task has been placed here for the BIPT, a task that is slightly more extensive than as it is assigned to other operators. I myself then made a reference to ASTRID which also has to do with safety. This latter system also has to do with security but it has a separate legal framework and it can not always enjoy the same facilities.

So far, Mr President. The bill was unanimously adopted by the Infrastructure Committee.