Proposition 51K2459

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Proposition de résolution relative à l'élaboration d'un cadre législatif concernant les paramoteurs.

General information

Open Vld Guido De Padt
Submission date
May 3, 2006
Official page
air traffic resolution of parliament sport


Voted to adopt
CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP Open Vld N-VA MR FN VB

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Feb. 15, 2007 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Rapporteur Jef Van den Bergh

Mr. Speaker, colleagues, from the paramotor sector, the question of a legal framework was asked. For all clarity: Paramotors are aircraft consisting of a sliding screen - also called parapent -, a smooth dust-made wing that allows floating, and a motor that is carried on the back of the pilot or on a substrate placed on three or four wheels. This is for those who are not familiar with the concept of paramotor.

As Minister Landuyt apparently made little progress in the framework of this legislative arrangement, colleague Guido De Padt took the initiative to submit a resolution on this subject, urging the government to develop a legal framework in consultation with the sector – which is important.

For the full discussion in the committee, I would like to refer to the written report. In the end, the resolution was amended on several points because the minister had been shot in action. The resolution was finally unanimously adopted by the committee.

Guido De Padt Open Vld

We do not always value the importance of resolutions. You are not a real supporter of that.

In this case, however, it turns out that submitting a resolution can work proactively. In September 2005, the Minister announced that the development of a regulatory framework relating to this sport was not a priority. We submitted a proposal for a resolution. Per ⁇ partly under pressure of this, the Minister eventually provided for the development of a specific regulation, which would soon enter into force. This regulation should, in our view, be primarily concerned with the safety aspect of the practice of that sport. We are therefore very pleased that the draft resolution may have contributed to the development of that regulatory framework. We do not have to arrange everything up to the points ourselves.

The sport in question is now in fact somewhat illegitimate, because in principle the aviation law applies to it, but cannot be applied. Therefore, in fact, no paramotor practitioner should go into the air. We are therefore pleased that this regulatory framework is finally being worked out.

President Herman De Croo

It is a resolution. I would like the government to be represented, but it is a parliamentary resolution and we are men enough.

The Minister of Internal Affairs joins us. Mr. Minister, we are talking about the paramotors, devices with which one can enter the air thanks to a motor on the back.