Projet de loi modifiant le Code pénal en vue de renforcer la lutte contre les pratiques des marchands de sommeil.
General information ¶
- Authors
Ecolo Marie Nagy
LE Melchior Wathelet
MR Marie-Christine Marghem
Open Vld Alfons Borginon
PS | SP Valérie Déom
Vooruit Hilde Claes - Submission date
- June 30, 2005
- Official page
- Visit
- Status
- Adopted
- Requirement
- Simple
- Subjects
- lease criminal law
Voting ¶
- Voted to adopt
- CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP Open Vld N-VA MR FN VB
Contact form ¶
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Discussion ¶
Jan. 12, 2006 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)
Full source
Rapporteur Tony Van Parys ⚙
I refer to the written report.
Nahima Lanjri CD&V ⚙
Mr. Speaker, colleagues, in order to strengthen the fight against domestic dairy, a bill was approved in Parliament just before the summer. A number of legislative proposals, including mine, were also linked to this.
When the draft came back from the Senate, we discussed it again in the Chamber Committee on Justice. I then pointed to another problem, namely that that legislation was not sufficiently closing, because some house milkers, as soon as they see that the threat that their property could be confiscated lies above their heads may be declared confiscated by a judge or when they are in the proceedings, yet still quickly try to sell the property or sometimes in the name of relatives or others try to place or try to place in dark companies, in order thus to escape the sanction, namely the confiscation of that property or of funds resulting from the sale of that property. That bill was not conclusive.
I then wanted to submit an amendment to correct that, but that would have meant a significant delay for the draft law. That was not my intention again. It is indeed a problem that needs to be addressed urgently. With the agreement of the minister and the committee, it was then agreed to pour something into a separate bill to give an answer to this.
The bill that I have drafted has, of course, been signed by all parties. It was carried out by the whole committee. I would also like to thank the Chairman of the Commission for his good cooperation. This is the last time I have the opportunity to thank him in his capacity as Chairman of the Commission. I would also like to thank the Minister for his cooperation in this area. Now we can address the problem and close the back door that is still there for the house milkers, hopefully definitively.