Proposition 51K1781

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Proposition de résolution relative à l'épidémie de fièvre de Marburg en Angola.

General information

MR Daniel Bacquelaine, Josée Lejeune
Submission date
May 11, 2005
Official page
Angola epidemic infectious disease resolution of parliament tropical disease public health illness


Voted to adopt
CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP Open Vld MR VB
Abstained from voting

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Dec. 22, 2005 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Rapporteur Inga Verhaert

I refer to the written report.

Josée Lejeune MR

Mr. Speaker, Mr. Ministers, dear colleagues, today we are going to speak on a proposal for a resolution addressing the positions adopted with regard to an epidemic that has recently raised Angola, the Marburg fever.

This disease is similar to the Ebola virus. Anyone who knows a little about this virus knows how dangerous it is. Angola is a neighboring country of the DRC; there was therefore a risk of seeing this epidemic spread in a country that constitutes a privileged partner of Belgium. Today, this epidemic has been eradicated, but we must remain vigilant. It may resume and cause new victims if the maintenance of post-epidemic sanitary measures is not ensured or observed.

Health measures are essential for the development of a country. In fact, these sanitary measures guarantee everyone a proper health and maintain their workforce. It is this labor force that will later give them the means to develop the economic activity of their region. It is through this economic activity that developing countries will be able to aspire to a more decent standard of living.

We therefore pay particular attention to issues related to health and protection of health conditions in developing countries. That is why we believe it is essential that vigilance remains in place so that such dramas do not happen again.

President Herman De Croo

Someone ask-t-il yet the word? Does anyone ask the word? (No to)

The discussion is close. The discussion is closed.

The draft resolution contains recitals A to H, as well as seven questions to the Government.

No amendments have been submitted or re-submitted. There will be no amendments ingediend of heringediend. The vote on the draft resolution will take place at a later date. Voting over the resolution will take place later.