Proposition 51K1589

Logo (Chamber of representatives)

Projet de loi modifiant l'article 67 de la loi du 26 mars 1999 relative au plan d'action belge pour l'emploi 1998 et portant des dispositions diverses.

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Submitted by
PS | SP MR Open Vld Vooruit Purple Ⅰ
Submission date
Feb. 2, 2005
Official page
work employment policy


Voted to adopt
CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP Open Vld N-VA MR
Abstained from voting

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March 17, 2005 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Hagen Goyvaerts VB

I can be brief.

In recent weeks, the plenary session has already discussed several times the quality of the legislative work delivered by the government to the House.

The present bill is nothing more or nothing less than a repair law.

It is an article from the Program Law of 24 December 2002 which abolished the special tax regime of the joint ventures, we are then, of course, in the sector of the social economy. The present draft law is intended to reintroduce that repealed provision in a retroactive manner. Their

I would like to add that the Flemish Interest has no problem with some exemptions in the context of the social economy. However, I find that, in the present bill, these so-called joint ventures are further exempted from corporate tax on their profits, as long as this profit is retained in the assets of the company concerned. This means that the profit that is not paid out and thus remains retained in the company is subject to the zero rate. In these times of high bankruptcy rates, I think this is worth noting. Continuing to exempt companies’ profits from corporate tax will undoubtedly lead to distortion of competition at some point, and that is something we must watch out for. Their

That comment I wanted to make in the margin of this bill, especially about the fact that it is a repair law.

President Herman De Croo

Mr Tommelein is present. The report is very short. It is written in both languages and only has one page.

Greta D'hondt CD&V

We will, of course, approve this draft. As already stated, however, it is becoming gradually hallucinating that the Chamber once again, as the first point on its agenda of the plenary session, has a correction of an error made in the program law.

Mr. Speaker, in connection with the last and foremost program law, I have called on you, in your capacity as chairman of the Chamber, to do what is necessary so that these sad agenda points will be spared to us in the future.

I hope this is one of the last. After all, since the arrival of the purple governments, we have been fortunate to have a State Secretary for Social Economy. However, if that secretary of state can’t even pay attention to his cheeks, then I don’t know why we spend so much energy and resources on it. We will approve the present draft, but this work is unworthy of parliamentary work.