Proposition 50K1631

Logo (Chamber of representatives)

Projet de loi portant confirmation de l'arrêté royal du 14 juin 2001 portant exécution de l'article 168 de la loi du 12 août 2000 portant des dispositions sociales, budgétaires et diverses.

General information

Submitted by
Groen Open Vld Vooruit PS | SP Ecolo MR Verhofstadt Ⅰ
Submission date
Feb. 8, 2002
Official page
part-time employment unpaid leave civil service pension scheme survivor's benefit leave on social grounds


Voted to adopt
Groen CD&V Vooruit Ecolo LE PS | SP Open Vld MR
Abstained from voting

Party dissidents

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March 14, 2002 | Plenary session (Chamber of representatives)

Full source

Rapporteur Pierrette Cahay-André

Mr. Speaker, I would like to refer to the written report regarding the discussion we had in the committee. On what was proposed last week. Peeters, i.e. an amendment aimed at advancing the date of entry into force of the law, there is no written report. I will give you a brief oral report. This simply concerns the application of the law which should enter into force on 31 March to remain within the time limits, otherwise the law would not be applicable, which would be quite boring since it is absolutely necessary that the provisions concerned can be applied.

The amendment of Mr. Peeters was adopted by 8 votes and 4 abstentions. The proposal was approved by 9 votes and 4 abstentions.

Joos Wauters Groen

The committee decided yesterday that the amendment would come here without a report.

President Herman De Croo

I suppose you mean: without a written report. Ms Cahay has just issued a report.

Greta D'hondt CD&V

Mr. Speaker, in the discussion and voting in first instance, before it was returned to the committee, we voted in favour. This time the CD&V group abstained. This week we had to suspend the committee meeting from ten to ten for eleven in order to vote on this one article. After all, the majority was not in number and every time the chairman went out wisely after a quarter of an hour. This is not the first time this happens, it happens regularly. Slowly it becomes a custom in the committee. Contrary to the statements that have just been made about equality between men and women, we demand respect for every member of this assembly, whether it is a man or a woman. When we insisted on this, they thought that we should be attacked very strongly.

President Herman De Croo

Colleagues of the CD&V group, can I ask you to put down the sand you have on your couch standing next to you?

Greta D'hondt CD&V

Mr. Speaker, my butter hammer is in that bag.

President Herman De Croo

Are these your butterflies?

We have seen it all and we have received it at home. So I would like to ask you to put it next to your bench.

Yves Leterme CD&V

Mr. Speaker, Mr. Goutry will explain later why it is so important that the sand that is spread around is also visible.

President Herman De Croo

I don’t see Mr. Goutry here.

Yves Leterme CD&V

Mr. President, he will come later. If you are benevolent, the voting declaration at the vote on the motions may take place today.

President Herman De Croo

Sand about it. Ladies and gentlemen, be a little discreet. Parliament must preserve its dignity, even if this gesture can silently have a meaning.

Joos Wauters Groen

Mr. Speaker, Mrs. D'Hondt referred to yesterday's work in the committee. First, there was delay because the minister was holding back at the meeting of the Nuclear Cabinet. After that, I had to determine that we were not in number. I regret that and I constantly call on the groups, including those of the majority, to be present in sufficient numbers. So in all my wisdom I try to get the necessary number of members in the committee. Therefore, I am removing myself from time to time to ensure that that majority also comes. As President, I would like to reiterate that it is sometimes regrettable that the majority factions are unable to deliver the required majority. I continue to insist on this and I hope you will continue to do so.